Rogue, Vagrant, Vagabond, Beggar and other Idle dissolute and
Disorderly Persons so as aforesaid Committed and Employ them ac-
cording to the Tenor of such commitment
And to restrain Poor people from going or removing from one
County to another
Liber H. S.
No. 1
Be it further Enacted That it shall and may be lawful for any one
Justice of the Peace by Warrant under his Hand and Seale to re-
move and Convey such Person to such County where he or she
was last legally settled either as a Native House-Holder Apprentice
or Servant unless he or she find sufficient Security to be allowed by
the said Justice for good behaviour and Discharge of the said
County And if any Person be removed by Virtue of this Act from
one County to another under the Hand and Seal of any one Justice
of the Peace the Trustees for the Poor of the said County to which
the said Person shall be so removed if any Alms or Work House
shall be in such County are hereby required to receive the said Per-
son removed into such Alms or Work House if it shall appear to
such Trustees that such Persons last legal settlement was in that
County And to prevent any disputes which may arise about what
shall be deemed a Settlement within the Intention of this Act
[A single
may, by
Warrant re-
move poor
Persons to
their last
Place of
unless they
can find
Security for
Good Be-
haviour, &c.]
Be it further Enacted that all Poor who shall receive Allowances
or be entered as Pensioners by any County Court of this Province
or who shall be House Holders or Natives within any County shall
be deemed and taken to have a legal Settlement in such County And
if any Person shall execute any Public Annual Office or Charge in
any County during one whole Year or shall be charged with and
pay his Publick or County Levy such Person shall be adjudged and
deemed to have a legal settlement in the same County and if any
unmarried Person shall be hired in any County for one year such
service during the Space of one Year shall be adjudged and deemed
a good settlement and if any Person shall be bound an Apprentice by
Indenture or by any County Court of this Province and inhabit any
County such Binding and Inhabitation shall be adjudged a good
[What shall
be deemed
a legal Set-
tlement in
any County
for the Poor]
p. 727
And be it further Enacted That every Person who shall be received
into any Alms or Work-House and there receive relief shall upon
the Shoulder of the right Sleeve of the uppermost Garment of every
such Person in an Open and Visible manner wear such Badge or
Mark as is herein after mentioned and expressed that is to say a
large Roman P together with the first Letter of the Name of the
County whereof such Poor is an Inhabitant cut either in Red or
Blue Cloth as by the Overseer of the Poor it shall be directed and
appointed and if any such Poor Person shall neglect or refuse to
wear such Badge or Mark as aforesaid and in manner aforesaid it
shall and may be lawful for any one of the Trustees aforesaid where
any such Offence shall be Committed to punish every such Offender
[Persons re-
ceived into
any Alms,
or Work
House, to
wear a
Badge, &c.]