the Qualification to be a Member of the lower House of Assembly
if elected shall be capable to be chosen or Act as a Trustee aforesaid
nor shall any Person be compellable to serve in less than three Years
after he hath served or paid the said Forfeiture for not serving as a
Trustee aforesaid
And for enabling the said Trustees to Purchase Land and erect
an Alms and Work-House in each of the said Counties
Be it Enacted That the said Trustees or the major Part of them
be and they are hereby authorized and impowered from Time to
Time as Occasion shall require to draw upon the several and respec-
tive Sheriffs of the several Counties aforesaid in whose Hands the
Tobacco aforesaid so as aforesaid to be assessed and levied or such
Part thereof as shall by Virtue of this Act be so Assessed and levied
shall remain for so much of the said Tobacco as the said Trustees
or the major part of them shall from Time to Time think it necessary
to draw for, for the Uses and Purposes directed by this Act
And be it further Enacted That the said Trustees or the major
Part of them appointed as aforesaid shall and they are hereby
authorized directed and required to buy and purchase in ffee a Quan-
tity of Land in each County not exceeding one hundred Acres. And
the said Trustees or the major Part of them appointed as aforesaid
are hereby authorized directed and required to agree and contract
with a Workman or Workmen to undertake erect build and in a
Workman like Manner to compleat and finish on the said Land when
so purchased good strong sufficient and convenient Houses Habita-
tions and Dwellings for the Reception of the Poor of each County
and of such Vagrants, Beggars, Vagabonds and other Offenders as
shall be committed by Virtue of this Act and they shall appropriate
one Part thereof to be called the Alms House to and for the Recep-
tion and Lodging of the Poor of the said County and another Part or
parts thereof to be called the Work House to and for the Reception
and Lodging of all such Vagrants Beggars Vagabonds and other
Offenders as shall be committed by Virtue of this Act. And the
aforesaid Land when bought and the afpresaid Houses Habitations
and Dwellings when built shall be and they are hereby enacted and
declared to be vested in the said Trustees of that County where the
same shall be bought erected and built upon by Virtue of this Act
as their Estate and Inheritance for the Uses and Purposes by this
Act directed and expressed
And be it further Enacted That the said Trustees or the major
Part of them appointed as aforesaid shall and they are hereby author-
ized directed and required after the Houses Habitations and Dwell-
ings aforesaid shall be compleatly erected and finished to buy and
[Trustees, to
draw on the
Sheriffs, to
enable them
to purchase
Land, and
erect Alms,
and Work-
p. 724
[Not more
than 100
Acres of
Land in each
County, to
be pur-
chased, on
which, con-
Houses to be
built, and
the Trustees
to Contract
with Work-
men to
complete the
same: Part
of which to
be called the
for the Use
of the Poor,
and the other
Part, the
House, for
the Recep-
tion of Va-
grants, &c.]
[The Trus-
tees, after
the Houses
shall be fin-
ished, to
Beds. work-
&c., and to
Land con-
venient to the
Town, or
House, of
each County;
and also to
return a fair
to the Jus-
tices of every
Court, to be
by them