Acts. 481
Gaming contrary to this Act then and in every such Case the Plain-
tiff shall recover only what shall appear to be due exclusive of any
Liquor or other Accomodations supplied or provided contrary to
this Act and the Defendant shall be discharged from the residue and
recover his full Cost of Suit Any Law Usage or Custom to the
Contrary notwithstanding
Liber H. S.
No. 1
And be it further Enacted That all Mortgages Obligations or other
Securities which shall be taken in Trust for any Ordinary Keeper
shall be absolutely void unless such Mortgage Obligation or other
Security shall be Assigned or transferred to any other Person being
a Stranger to such Trust for a valuable Consideration and in Case of
such Assignment or Transfer that such Trustee shall forfeit and
pay double the Principal Sum mentioned in such Mortgage Obliga-
tion or other Security
taken in
Trust, for
Keepers, to
be void]
And be it further Enacted That an Act of Assembly made at a
Session of Assembly begun and held at the City of Annapolis the
twenty Eighth Day of October one thousand seven hundred and
twelve Entitled An Act restraining Victuallers and Keepers of Pub-
lick Houses from entertaining of Sailors to the Prejudice of Trade
and Commerce be and is hereby repealed
[An Act
made in
1712, Re-
Provided also and be it Enacted That it shall and may be lawful
for the Justices of Ann Arundel, Kent Baltimore and Frederick
County Courts respectively to license any Person within the City
of Annapolis, Chester Town, Baltimore Town or Frederick Town
to keep one Coffee House within the said City and each of the said
Towns for the Entertainment of Company and that such Person so
licensed as aforesaid shall not be obliged to find and provide Beds
for lodging Company or Stabling and Provender for Horses Any
Thing herein before contained to the Contrary thereof in any wise
Houses may
be licensed,
and the
owners not
obliged to
provide Beds
or Stabling]
And be it further Enacted That in all Cases where no different
Mode of Recovery or Application is appointed by this Act all and
every Time and Forfeiture imposed by this Act shall and may be
recovered in manner following to wit Where the Sum doth not
exceed fifty shillings Current Money the same shall and may be
recovered on the Application or Information of any Person or
Persons whatsoever before any one Justice of the Peace as in the
Case of small Debts with Costs and where the Sum exceeds fifty
shillings Current Money the same shall and may be recovered in
any Court of Record by Action of Debt Bill of Indictment or In-
formation with Costs by him her or them who will sue or prosecute
to Effect for the same and that one half of all Fines and Forfeitures
to be incurred for any Breach of this Act where the same is not
[When the
mode of
Recovery is
not pointed
out by this
Act, and the
Debt does
not exceed
50 s. to be
before a
single magis-
trate ; if a
greater sum,
in any Court
of Record]
otherwise given or applied shall be to him her or them who will Sue
or prosecute to Effect for the same and the other half thereof shall
be paid to the Sheriff of the County in which the Recovery shall
[Fines and
how to be
disposed of]