416 Assembly Proceedings, May 24-June 22, 1768.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
June 22
and other our dominions, may inherit or otherwise purchase, receive,
take, have, hold, buy, and possess, and them may occupy and enjoy,
give, sell alien, and bequeath; as likewise all liberties, franchises, and
privileges, of this our kingdom of England, freely, quietly, and
peaceably, have and possess, occupy and enjoy, as our liege people
born, or to be born within our said kingdom of England, without
the let, molestation, vexation, trouble, or grievance of us our heirs,
and successors; any statute, act, ordinance, or provision, to the con-
trary thereof notwithstanding
And further our pleasure is, and by these presents for us, our
heirs, and successors we do covenant and grant to and with the said
now Lord Baltimore, his heirs and assigns that we, our heirs and
successors, shall at no time hereafter, set or make or cause to be set,
any imposition, custom, or other taxation, rate, or contribution,
p. 547
whatsoever, in or upon the dwellers and inhabitants of the aforesaid
province for their lands, tenements, goods or chattels, within the
said province, or in, or upon any goods or merchandizes, within the
said province, to be laden or unladen, within any of the ports or
harbours of the said province: And our pleasure is, and for us, our
heirs, and successors, we charge and command that this our declara-
tion shall be henceforward, from time to time, received and allowed
in all our courts, and before all the judges of us, our heirs and suc-
cessors for a sufficient and lawful discharge, payment, and acquit-
tance ; commanding all and singular our officers and ministers of us,
our heirs and successors, and enjoining them, upon pain of our high
displeasure that they do not presume, at any time, to attempt any
thing to the contrary of the premisses, or that they do, in any sort,
withstand the same; but that they be at all times, aiding and assisting,
as is fitting unto the said now Lord Baltimore, and his heirs, and to
the inhabitants and merchants of Maryland aforesaid, their servants,
ministers, factors, and assigns, in full use and fruition of the benefit
of this our charter.
4. Resolved, That it is the unanimous opinion of this house that
the said charter is declaratory of the constitutional rights and privi-
liges of the freemen of this province.
5. Resolved unanimously, That tryals by juries, is the grand bul-
wark of liberty, the undoubted birth-right of every englishman, and
consequently, of every british subject in America; and that the erect-
ing other jurisdictions, for the tryal of matters of fact is unconstitu-
tional, and renders the subject insecure in his liberty and property.
6. Resolved That it is the unanimous opinion of this house, that it
cannot with any truth or propriety be said, that the freemen of this
province of Maryland are represented in the british parliament
7. Resolved unanimously, That his Majestys liege people of this
antient province, have always enjoyed the right of being governed
by laws, to which they themselves have consented, in the article of