L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
June 16
The bill entitled a supplementary act to the act entitled an act
to establish a road from Hunting Creek in Dorchester, to Dover in
Talbot County ; read the second time and will pass.
The bill entitled an act confirming to Spedding Bromwell of
Talbot County, certain lots of land therein mentioned; read the
second time and will pass.
The bill entitled, a supplementary act to the act to enable the
visitors of Kent County school, for the time being, to lease out part
of the land belonging to the said school; read the second time and
will pass. Which bills were sent to the upper house by M.r Selbey
and M.r Thomas.
Walter Dulany esquire from the upper house, delivers to M.r
speaker, the bill entitled an act for recovery of certain amerciaments
and also upon defaults on executions, and the following message.
By the upper house of assembly, June 16.th 1768
The amendment you have proposed to the bill entitled an act for
the recovery of certain amerciaments [This message beginning thus
is printed in full in the Upper House Journal, pp. 305-306]
M.r Johnson brings in and delivers to M.r speaker the following
By the lower house of assembly, June 16.th 1768
May it please your honors,
p. 525
In answer to your message of this day, with the bill entitled an
act for recovery of certain amerciaments, and also upon defaults
on executions; we agree to the passage of that bill, according to its
original frame; tho' with the amendment we proposed, the bill would
in our opinion, have been more perfect
Sign'd by order T. Wright clk lo. ho.
The message sent to the upper house by M.r Wilson and M.r
The petition of Mary Philpot read the second time and granted.
Leave given to bring in a bill according to prayer
The ingrossed bill, entitled a supplementary act to the act entitled
an act for erecting a new parish in Kent County called Chester
parish, and for building a parish church, and enlarging a chapel
of ease within the said parish; read and assented to, and sent to
the upper house with the paper bill by M.r Ringgold and M.r Baxter
The ingrossed bill entitled an act to impower the justices of
Somerset and Worcester Counties to levy on the taxable inhabitants
of Stepney parish in Somerset and Worcester Counties the quantity
of one hundred and sixty thousand pounds of tobacco for the uses
therein mentioned ; Read, and assented to; and with the paper bill sent
to the upper house by M.r Ringgold and M.r Baxter.