Charles Hammond esquire from the upper house delivers to M.r
speaker the petitions of sundry languishing prisoners in the several
Jails within this province, a list of which was indorsed: "June 7th
1768: Read and referred to the consideration of the lower house of
Sign'd by order U. Scott clk up: ho:
The petition of Sarah Flinn and the petition of Henry Miles,
indorsed "June 1768. Read and referred to the consideration
of the lower house of assembly.
Sign'd by order, U Scott clk up: ho:
The house adjourns til 2 o'clock
Post meridiem. The house met according to adjournment. M.r
Griffith appeared in the house
The petitions of the languishing prisoners, and the petitions of
Sarah Flinn, and Henry Miles are read the first time and ordered
to lie on the table.
M.r Murdock brings in, and delivers to M.r speaker, a bill entitled
an act to promote and forward the appeal now depending before
his Majesty, in council, on behalf of the people of this province:
Which is read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
The house adjourns 'til to morrow morning 9 o'clock