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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 323   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 323

Your Committee, as far they have Examined them, to be fairly and
regularly kept, but the Number of the Payments have rendered it
impossible for Your Committee to go through the whole Examina-
tion, this Session
Your Committee also find, that the Commissioners have paid
away to the Printer, the Treasurer and for their and their Clerks
Salaries agreeable to the Act of Assembly, and other Office Expences
3330 Dollars, and 5/6 of a Dollar

U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
June 22


Your Committee have received from the Commissioners

Bills of Credit to the amount of 24601 Dollars, and 4/9

of a Dollar, out of which they have paid to Sundry

2146 1/6

Claimants for Allowances on the Journal and List

of Debts .....................................

To Amos Ogden for the Use of the Nanticoke Indians

666 2/3

as directed by Act of Assembly this Session...........

To Ann Catharine Green as directed by Act this Session.

948 1/2

To His Excellency the Governor as directed by Ordi-

123 2/3

nance of both Houses of Assembly this Session......

To Cap.t Richard Pearis by Ditto ...................


To John Ducket by Ditto ..........................

124 2/3

There is still due to Sundry Claimants on the Journal
and List of Debts ..............................

2707 2/9

And there remains in the Iron Chest unapplied .........

17466 5/9


24601 4/9

All which is Submitted to the Consideration of both Houses of
Assembly this 22d day of June 1768.

Benedict Calvert
Walter Dulany
Brice T: B Worthington
Thomas Ringgold
Charles Grahame
James Dickinson
Henry Steele
Robert Tyler
Robert Buchanan

John Ridout and Walter Dulany Esq,,rs are sent to acquaint the
Lower House that His Excellency requires their Attendance in the
Upper House immediately, to see the Bills, passed both Houses this
Session, receive the Assent.

The Lower House attend, and by their Speaker present to His
Excellency the following Bills

p. 408

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 323   View pdf image (33K)
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