U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
June 18
A Bill Entitled An Act to prevent the Exportation of Flour,
Slaves, and Shingles not Merchantable, from the Town of Balti-
more, in Baltimore County, and to regulate the weight of Hay, and
Measure of Grain, Salt, Flax Seed, and Firewood within the said
A Bill Entitled An Act for the Adjournment and Continuance
of Frederick County Court.
A Bill Entitled An Act confirming to Spedding Bromwell, of
Talbot County, certain Lotts of Land therein mentioned
A Bill Entitled An Act for the Speedy and Effectual Publication
of the Laws of this Province, and for the Encouragement of Ann
Catharine Green of the City of Annapolis, Printer
A Bill Entitled a Supplementary Act to the Act Entitled An Act
to Establish a Road from Hunting Creek, in Dorchester, to Dover
in Talbot County.
All which his Excellency passed into Laws in the usual form,
by Sealing them with the Right honourable the Lord Proprietary his
Great Seal at Arms, and Subscribing them, On behalf of the Right
honourable the Lord Proprietary of this Province I will this be
a Law.
An Ingrossed Bill by Mess.rs Buchanan and Bordley, Entitled a
Supplementary Act to the Act to enable the Visitors of Kent County
School, for the time being, to Lease out part of the Land belonging
to the said School.
Read and assented to by the Lower House of Assembly
Read and assented to by this House, and Ordered to be so
Subscribed, the Paper Bills Endorsed sent by
Mess,,rs Thomas and Purnell bring up a Bill Entitled An Act
to give Thomas Harrison further time to effect the Removal of a
Neusance in Baltimore Town, in Baltimore County
Read the first and second time in the Lower House, and will
Read the first time in this House and Ordered to lye on the
Adjourned until Monday Morning 10 of the Clock