U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
June 17
p. 394
Read the second time in this House the Bill Entitled A Supple-
mentary Act to the Act Entitled an Act to establish a Road from
Hunting Creek in Dorchester, to Dover in Talbot County, and
will Pass
Also Read the second time the Bill Entitled a Supplementary Act
to the Act Entitled An Act to enable the Visitors of Kent County
School, for the time being, to Lease out part of the Land belonging
to the said School and will Pass
And also Read the second time, the Bill Entitled An Act confirm-
ing to Spedding Bromwell, of Talbot County, certain Lotts of
Land therein mentioned and will Pass. These Bills sent by John
Beale Bordley Esq,,r
Read and assented to by this House the Engrossed Bill, Entitled
an Act for the Recovery of certain Amercements and also upon
Defaults on Execution, Sent by Daniel Dulany Esq,,r
Mess.rs Allen and Selby bring up the following Engrossed Bills,
Read and Assented to by the Lower House of Assembly
A Bill Entitled An Act for the Relief of Joseph Scott of Worces-
ter County
A Bill Entitled An Act for reviving and continuing An Act,
Entitled An Act to Establish a Market at the Market House in
Chester Town, in Kent County, and for the Regulation of the
said Market
A Bill Entitled An Act to prohibit raising of Swine and Geese in
George Town, in Kent County, and in Snow Hill Town in Worces-
ter County
Adjourned until 3 of the Clock in the Afternoon
Eodem Die post Meridiem
This House met again according to Adjournment.
Present as in the Morning
The House proceeded in hearing Council on the Petitions of
Yesterday, after which, Read the second time, the Bill, Entitled An
Act for erecting a Court House and Public Prison for Baltimore
County in the Town of Baltimore and for making Sale of the Old
Court House and Prison, and will Pass, Sent by Samuel Chamber-
laine Esq.r
Adjourned until to Morrow Morning 10 of the Clock