Concurr with You, in every proper Measure You can profess for
the Public Good.
Ordered that Daniel Dulany Walter Dulany and John Beale Bord-
ley Esq,,rs be a Committee to prepare an Address, in Answer to the
Governors Speech
U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
May 24
Wednesday Morning 25th May 1768.
This House met again according to Adjournment
Present as Yesterday
Mess,,rs Tilghman and Ward attend with M.r John Goldsborough,
a Member Elected for Talbot County, and M.r William Baxter for
Cecil County, to see them Qualified, who take the Oaths to the
Government, appointed to be taken by Act of Assembly repeat and
Subscribe the Abjuration and Test, and then withdraw.
Read and referred the Petition of Sundry Nanticoke Indians,
recommended in His Excellencys Speech and sent by Daniel Dulany
Esq,,r together with Copies of Sundry Papers relative thereto, laid
before this House by his Excellency the Governor.
Mess,,rs Sullivane and Hayward, from the Lower House, acquaint
his Excellency that their House hath made Choice of M.r Turbott
Wright for their Clerk, and hope for Excellencys Approbation, to
whom his Excellency is pleased to declare that he approves of their
Mess.rs Sullivane and Allen attend with M.r Turbot Wright,
Clerk of the Lower House to see him Qualified, who takes the Oaths
to the Government, appointed to be taken by Act of Assembly, and
Subscribes the Abjuration and Test, and also takes the usual Oath
of Office, and then withdraws.
Adjourned until 3 of the Clock in the Afternoon
Eodem Die Post Meridiem
This House met again according to Adjournment
Present as in the Morning
Adjourned until to Morrow Morning 10 of the Clock
May 25
Thursday Morning 26th May 1768.
This House met again according to Adjournment.
Present as Yesterday
Mess,,rs Ringgold and Tyler attend, with M.r Francis Ware a
Member Elected for Charles County, Mess,,rs William Murdock and
May 26