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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 263   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts. 263

Quarantine in such place or places for such time and in such manner
as from time to time shall for that purpose be directed by the

Liber H. S.
No. 1

Governor or Commander in Chief of this Province for the time
being and that during the said time and until the said Ship or Vessell
shall be discharged of and from such Quarantine no person coming
or goods Imported therein shall come or be put on Shore or go on
Board any other Ship or Vessell within this Province nor shall any
person go on Board such Ship or Vessell obliged as aforesaid to
make Quarantine without Licence first had and Obtained from the
Governor or Commander in Chief for the time being in such manner
and under such Limitations and restrictions as he shall think fitt
to grant or allow the same and that in case there shall be any Breach

[The Gov-
ernor may
order The
Vessel to

of the said Quarantine in any respect the Master Commander Chief
Officer or person having the charge of such Ship or Vessell without
such Licence as aforesaid shall if a free person forfeit and pay
One hundred pounds Sterling to be recovered with full Costs of
Suit in any Court of Record within this Province by Action of Debt
Bill of Indictment Plaint or Information wherein no Essoin Pro-
tection or Wager of Law or more than one Imparlance shall be
Allowed, and if a Servant or Slave suffer such Corporal punishment

[Penalty for
breach of the

by Whipping not Exceeding Thirty nine Stripes as by two Justices
of the Peace shall be ordered and Adjudged upon complaint and
proof of such Offence

p. 657

And be it Further Enacted that the Master or Commander of
every Ship or Vessell importing above the said number of Passengers
or Servants into this Province after the said first day of May next
shall before the said Ship or Vessell shall be Admitted to make her
Entry discover and disclose to the Collector and Naval Officer afore-
said the Number of Passengers and Servants Imported in such Ship
and if the Master or Commander of any such Ship or Vessell shall
not make such Discovery as aforesaid he shall forfeit and pay One
hundred pounds sterling to be recovered as aforesaid

[The Mas-
ters to give
of their
of Pas-
sengers and

And be it Further Enacted that any Master or Commander of a
Ship or Vessell importing above the said Number of Passengers or
Servants as aforesaid who shall Land or put on Shore any Passenger
Servant or Goods from on Board such Ship or shall sell any Servant
imported in such Ship and also every person who shall buy such
Servant or knowingly entertain in his or her house any Passenger or
Servant or receive any Goods imported in such Ship before Certificate
Obtained of such Oath being made as aforesaid shall respectively
forfeit and pay Twenty Pounds Sterling to be recovered as afore-

[Penalty on
Selling, or
Buying, be-
fore Oath

said, And whereas dangerous infectious distempers frequently break
out in Ships and Vessells importing passengers and Servants into
this Province on the Arrival here after healthy passages

Be it therefore Enacted that even after such Certificate Obtained
as aforesaid if it shall be made appear to the Governor or Commander

[In case of
breaking out
after their

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 263   View pdf image (33K)
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