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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 256   View pdf image (33K)
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256 Assembly Proceedings, November 1-December 6, 1766.

Liber H. S.
No. 1

from or under such Purchaser or Purchasers shall have free Liberty
of passing and repassing by themselves and their servants and Slaves
with Carts horses and Carriages of all sorts over all parts of the
said Marsh to the part so purchased until the first day of January
which shall be in the Year One Thousand seven hundred and
Sixty nine

p. 649

And Whereas sundry persons hold small parts of the said Mirey
Marsh by Lease for life or years from the said Thomas Harrison
rendering an Annual rent for the same

[The present
Lessees to
make dry
Ground of
their parts]

Be it Enacted that unless the said Lessees of the said Thomas
Harrison or their Assignees shall within one Month next after the
end of this Session of Assembly enter into such Bond with Security
as aforesaid for making dry and firm Ground of the parts of the
said Marsh to them respectively Leased that then the said Thomas
Harrison shall and may have leave to make the same into dry and
firm Ground as aforesaid and the rents reserved on such Ground
shall be so much further increased as the said Commissioners or the
Major part of them shall award And for the recovery of such Addi-
tional Rent the said Thomas Harrison his heirs Executors Ad-
ministrators and Assigns shall and may have the like remedy as if
the same had been reserved on or by the said respective Leases or

sioners to be

And be it further Enacted that the Commissioners aforesaid and
every of them shall and they are hereby required before they enter
upon the Execution of their Trust to take the following Oath viz
You A. B. as one of the Commissioners appointed by the Act
Entituled an Act to remove a Nusance in Baltimore Town in Balti-
more County and for other purposes therein mentioned shall in all
things faithfully and Impartially execute the powers given you by
the said Act According to the best of your skill and knowledge so
help you God

[The Pur-
chase Money
to be paid

And be it Further Enacted that all and every sum and sums of
Money which shall be received by the Commissioners for the Sale
of the said Marshy Ground as aforesaid shall be paid immediately
to the respective Proprietors of the same and for the better effectuat-
ing the purpose by this Act intended

[In case of

Be it Enacted that upon the noncompliance of any Purchasers
with the terms Prescribed by this Act the said Commissioners or
the Major part of them shall have full power and Authority again
to sell and dispose of all such parts or parcells of Ground in the

[In case
&c shall give
Bond, and
after neglect
to Comply,

manner above set forth
And it is further Enacted that in case the said Thomas Harrison
Alexander Lawson and Brian Philpot or either of them or the
Lessees aforesaid of the aforesaid Thomas Harrison or their As-
signs or any of them shall within the aforesaid limitted time of
one Month from the end of this present session of Assembly under-

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 256   View pdf image (33K)
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