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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 138   View pdf image (33K)
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138 Assembly Proceedings, November 1-December 6, 1766.

L. H. J.
Liber No. 52

Nov. 1

A sufficient Number of Delegates to compose a Lower House of
Assembly being convened at the Stadt House Ordered That James

Hollyday and John Hammond do acquaint his Excellency the
Governor therewith
Benedict Calvert and Daniel Dulany from the Upper House
acquaint M.r Speaker that the Governor requires the Attendance
of the Lower House immediately in the Upper House M.r Speaker
left the Chair and (with the rest of the Members of the Lower
House) attended his Excellency in the Upper House, where the
Governor made the following Speech Viz.t

Gentlemen of both Houses of Assembly
I need not I flatter myself at this Time assure you that it is my
Desire on all Occasions to act agreeably to your Inclinations and
that it is the Heighth of my Ambition to merit Your good Opinion
together with the Approbation of those from whom I derive my
Authority. As the Intimation which you Gentlemen of the Lower
House were pleased to give me when you were last convened left
me no Room to doubt but you would be glad to meet again at this
Season, I resolved to gratify you, and, as I persuade myself, you
will endeavour to improve the good Understanding that subsisted
between the two Houses during the last Session, I have the highest
Expectations that this will be productive of much Good to the
Province, and make the Country ample Amends for the Expence
attending it

p. 431

Gentlemen, Having received from his Majesty's Ministers, Copies
of several Acts of Parliament, that were lately made in Great Britain,
for the peculiar Advantage of the Colonies, and are so many Evi-
dences of our most gracious Sovereign's, and the Parliaments Atten-
tion to the Interests and Prosperity of his Majesty's American
Subjects, I thought it my Duty to notify the same by Proclamation,
and with Pleasure embrace this Opportunity of congratulating you
on the happy Turn of Affairs in favour of those Colonies, and the
pleasing Prospect now afforded us
M.r Speaker (with the rest of the Members) returned to the
Lower House, and resumed the Chair

John Ridout Esq.r and Col.o Hooper, with Doctor Upton Scott,
Clerk of the Upper House, came into the Lower House, before
whom the several Delegates, took the Oath of Abjuration, prescribed
to be taken by a late Act of Parliament, made the last Session, and
subscribed the same.

The Governor's Speech was read the first Time and ordered to
lye on the Table

Ordered that John Hall Esq do acquaint the Reverend M.r Robert
Read that he is requested by this House to read Divine Service at
a Quarter before Nine O'Clock in the Morning and at five of the
Clock Afternoon, during this Session

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 138   View pdf image (33K)
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