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Proceedings of the County Courts of Charles County 1666-1674
Volume 60, Page 614   View pdf image (33K)
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            614       Charles County Court Proceedings, 1674.

         Liber F    which this bill in question did accrue upon the ballance of an acct
               betweene them made up, therefore further saith the sd William ought
               not to have his acction.
                But the plaintifes letter of Atturney not giveing full power it is
               ordered by the worshipfull the Comissioners that the Cause be dismist.

                In a Cause depending betweene William Harris plaintife & Fran-
               cis Furnis Defendant, the plaintife by his Atturney John Jones
               declares against the Deft for the sume of one thousand two hundred
               pounds of tobacco due p bill wch bill was produced in open Court,
         [p.36]     whereupon the Defendant Confest judgemt for the sume of One
               thousand two hundred pounds of tobacco to be paid to the plaintife
               William Harris by him the Defendant Francis Furnis with Cost of
                   To Atturneyes Fees           200 lb tob

                In a Cause depending betweene William Boyden plaintife &
               Francis Furnis deft the plaintife by his Atturney John Jones declares
               against the Defendant for the Sume of Three thousand pounds of
               Tobacco due by bill from the sd Francis Furnis to be pd to the
               William Boyden which bill was produced in open Court, whereupon
               the sd Francis Furnis Defendant Con fesseth judgemt in open Court
               for the sume of three thousand pounds of tobacco to the plaintife
               William Boyden with Cost of suite
                   To Atturneyes Fees           200 lb tob

                Philip Lynes doth oblidge himselfe before the worship full the
               Comissioners in open Court to pay unto M8 Anne Fowke the sume
               of 805th of tobacco upon the account of Hathond Norton.

                Whereas two Writts of Capias was issued forth against Joseph
               Horton & both returned by the sherife non est inventus, at the
               suite of W John Allen the one of a plea of debt for the sume of
               seaven hundred & nine pounds of tobacco the other of a plea of tres-
               pas on the Case for nine hundred & sixty pounds of tobacco an
               Attachment is granted p order of Court to the Allen plaintife in
               both actions against goods Chattles & Creditts of the sd Joseph
               Horton, for that the Defendant is not to be found within the
               County, with Cost of suite

                Whereas two writts of Capias was issued forth against Hathond
               Norton & returned by the sherife non est inventus, at the suite of
               John Wood the one of a plea of debt for the sume of Six hundred
               seaventy five pounds of tobacco & the other of a plea of trespas
               on the Case for seaven weekes worke/ An Attachmt is graunted p
               order of Court to the sd John Wood in both actions against the

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Proceedings of the County Courts of Charles County 1666-1674
Volume 60, Page 614   View pdf image (33K)
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