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Proceedings of the County Courts of Charles County 1666-1674
Volume 60, Page 61   View pdf image (33K)
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           Charles County Court Proceedings, 1666—1668.     61

       William Rossell demandeth a warrt agt Edward Lambert in an Liber C
     aeon of debt to the value of 1000 lb of tobaccoe. Declar.
       Warrt to the Sherrife retornble ut supra

       Mr James Lindsey demandeth a warrt agt Stephen Montague, and Declar.
     Ignatius Causeen as Adminrs of Captaine Robert Troope deed in an
     aeon of debt to the value of 2270 lb of tobaccoe.
       Warrt to the Sherrife retornbie ut supra

       Morgan Mackenny demandeth a warrt agt Gerrard Browne as decl.
     Adminr of John Browne in an aeon of trespasse Allsoe a Subpaena
     for Daniell Johnson & Rog: Dickinson
       Warrt to the Sherrife retornble ut supra

       Richard Randall demandeth a warrt agt Gerrard Browne as Adminr
     of John Browne in an aeon of debt to the value of 28o3th of tobaccoe.
       Warrt to the Sherrife retornble Ut supra

       John Meeks demandeth a warrt agt George Atkins in an aeon of decl.
     debt to the value of 430 lb of tobaccoe.
       Warrt to the Sherrife retornble Ut supra

       Benjamin Massagy demandeth a warrt agt Tho: Right in an aeon [p. 129]
     of debt to the value of 1600 lb of tobaccoe. decl.
       Warrt to the Sherrife retornble Ut supra.

       John Dent demandeth a warrt agt Gerrard Browne as Adminr of dccl.
     John Browne in an aeon of debt to the value of 400 lb of tobaccoe
       Warrt to the Sherrife retornble Ut supra.

       William Hill demandeth a warrt agt James Lee in an aeon of debt decl.
     to the value of 400 lb of tobaccoe.
       Warrt to the Sherrife retornble ut supra

       Geo: Harris demandeth a warrt agt Oliver Bault of Virginia in
     an aeon of the Case
       Warrt retornble to the Sherrife ut sup

At a Courte held in Charles County on the twelfth Day of March
                       Ano 1666

                Mr James Lindsey
       Mr Henry Adams
                Present          Mr Will: Marshall
 Mr Walter Beane           .
                       Comissionrs Mr Joseph Harrison
       Mr Francis Pope
                                 Mr Zachery Wade

       Mr Humphrey Warren Junr presents his Servt Rich. Baron to have
     his age adjudged by the Crt and he was adjudged at fifteen yeares
     of age

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Proceedings of the County Courts of Charles County 1666-1674
Volume 60, Page 61   View pdf image (33K)
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