Volume 60, Page 324 View pdf image (33K) |
324 Charles County Court Proceedings, 1671—1674. Liber E ance or Assurances wtsoever requisite in the premises, for the better assuring and more Sure making of the Said Bargained premises unto him the Said John Allen his heires & Assignes for Ever, Be it by Enrolment of these pnts fine feoffment or other ways or by any Such lawfull wayes or meanes as by him the Said John Allen his heires & Assignes or his or their Councell learned in the law Shall bee reasonably devised advised or required In witnes whereof the parties above menconed to these pnt Indentures have interchangeably Sett their hands & Seales the day & yeare first above written Signed Sealed & Dellivered Henry Moore(locus in the prsence of us Sigilli) Sa Cressey Elizabeth Moore (locus Philip Gibbon Sigilli) [fat. 391 Mr John Allen did appoint Rich Edelen his Atturney in any Cause that may in this Court Concerne him. Likewise Nich: Solby doth acknowledge the Said Richard Edelen his Atturney in any accon that Concerneth him. In a Certain matter of Difference Depending Between John Grub plt and Henry Bonner Deft in a plea of trespas upon the Case the Deft by his Atturney Thomas Lomax requesting it had an imparlance granted till the next Court. In a Certain matter of difference depending Between Nich Solby plt and Henry Bonner Deft in a plea of trespas upon the Case the Deft by his Atturny Thomas Lomax (he having first produced & proved his letter of Atturny here underwritten) requested an Tm- parlance till the next Court which was granted him. Know all men by these pnts that I Henry Bonner of Charles County in the province of Maryland Gent: have made, Assigned, ordeyned Authorized, Appointed, & deputed & in my place & Steed have putt & Constituted my loving Brother Thomas Lomax of the County & province aforesaid merchant my true & law full Atturney in my name & Steed to demand, Sue for, recover, & receive what tobaccoe is due to me Giving & by these pnts Granting unto my Said Atturney my full power & Good right & lawfull Authority to Sue, arrest, declare implead Condemne, & out of prison again to delliver & to doe Execute performe & finish whatsoever Shall be necessary to be done in as larg & ample manner as if I were personally present ratifying & Confirming whatsoever my Atturny lawfull doe cause or procure to be done by virtue of these pnts In wittnes whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seale this 13th of march 1670. Signed Sealed & Dellivered Henry Bonner (locus in the prsence of Sigilli) John Taylour Thomas Taylour |
Volume 60, Page 324 View pdf image (33K) |
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