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Proceedings of the County Courts of Charles County 1666-1674
Volume 60, Page 31   View pdf image (33K)
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           Charles County Court Proceedings, 1666—1668.     31

       This buisnes (upon a noat produced by the sayd Stone from Liber C
     William Caluert Esq to Mr Henry Adams whearin hee requested
     that a referance might bee granted him in this buisnes till the next
     Court by reason hee was visited by sicknes and coold not bee at this
     Court) Is Respited untill the next Court which is on the second
     tuesday in september next ensuing the daet hearof.
       Whearupon the Plantiue humbly Requested that hee might haue [p. 6g]
     his Euidences sworne which was granted.
       Nicholaus Emerson sworne and examined in open Court sayeth
     that hee falling into discours with Mr Thomas Stone Concerning a
     filly that was sould by Mr John Stone unto Samuell Harris this
     deponant demanded of the sayd Mr Thomas Stone whos lose it
     shoold haue falen unto in Case the filly had died and the sayd Mr
     Thomas stone Replyed Samuell Harrisses and thearupon this de-
     ponant alleaged that then in Conscience it ought to bee Samuell
     Harrisses and further sayeth not.
       George Harris Sworne and Examined in open Court sayeth that
     hee beeing at Mr Thomas stones hee heard Mr Emerson and the
     sayd stone discoursing Concerning a filly that Samuell Harrise had
     baught of Mr John Stone and the sayd Emerson Asked Mr Thomas
     Stone that if in Case the sayd filly had died who shoold haue stood
     to the losse and Mr Thomas Stone Replyed Samuell Harris and
     further sayeth not.
       Roger Dickeson Sworne and Examined in open Court sayeth
     that hee went ouer with Mr Bruerton when hee went to demand
     the beast (which hee the sayd Bruerton had baught of Samuell
     Harrise) of Mr Thomas Stone and the sayd stone Replyed; that hee [p. 70]
     woold not deliuer her for if hee deliuered her hee might come to
     pay for her out of his owne Estate and for what tobacco samuell
     harris had payd unto his brother for her hee woold Returne it againe
     and further sayeth not.
       John Banckes sworne and Examined in open Court sayeth that
     hee went ouer with Mr Bruerton when hee went to demand the filly
     (which hee the sayd Bruerton had baught of Samuell Harris) of
     Mr Thomas Stone and the sayd stone Replied that hee woold not
     deliuer her for if hee shoold hee might come to pay for her out of
     his owne Estate and for what tobacco Samuell harris had payd to
     his brother for her hee woold Repay it and further sayeth not.

       To the Worshipfull Commissioners of Charleses County the
     humble Petition of William Neuill Humbly Sheweth
       That whearas your Petitioner hath proued himself to bee of Age
     and hath bin Refered from St Maries to this Court for the re-
     ceauing of the Accoumpts belonging to his Estate whearfor your
     petitioner humbly Craueth the worshipfull Court that hee may haue
     the Priuiledge of making Choice of a man for the Receauing of
     the sayd Accoumpts and that the sayd Person may bee impowered

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Proceedings of the County Courts of Charles County 1666-1674
Volume 60, Page 31   View pdf image (33K)
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