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Proceedings of the County Courts of Charles County 1666-1674
Volume 60, Page 17   View pdf image (33K)
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      Charles County Court Proceedings, 1666—1668.

    of and from all and all manner of persone and Persons whatsoeuer Liber C
    all such sume and sumes of Mony debts dews goods waer Marchan-
    dises Claimes and demands whatsoeuer which are or shall grow
    dew dew owing payable or belonging unto mee in Verginia aforsayd
    either by bill bond specialty Accoumpt or other probable euidence
    whatsoeuer and further to sell let or dispose of all and euery my
    Lands with their Appurtenances situate in the Prouince of Mari-
    land in Verginia aforsayd to any person or persons whatsoeuer for
    such reasonable Rent fine or other Consideration as to my sayd
    Atturney shall seeme meet Giuing and by thees Presents granting
    unto my sayd Atturney full power and Authoritie to use such Law full
    ways and meanes for obtayning and Recoucring the aforsayd Praem-
    isses and to make and Execute such good and Lawfull assuerance
    for the letting or selling my sayd Land as the Laws of this kingdome
    will Permite and suffer and upon Receipt of all or any part of
    the Praemisses Acquittances or sum Other Lawfull Discharges for [p.41]
    mee and in my Name to make seale and Deliuer and Execut Also one
    Atturney or more under him to nominaet and the same at his pleasiur
    againe to Reuoake and further to doe say Execute and Accomplish
    all such other and further lawfull and Resonable Act and Acts
    thing and things whatsoeuer Requisit and necessary in and about
    the Praemisses to bee done in as large and Ample Mannor and
    forme to all intents and Purposes whatsoeuer as I myself might or
    Coold doe beeing from time to time personally Present and did the
    same and whatsoeuer my sayd Atturney shall Lawfully doe or
    Cause to bee done in and about the Praemisses I Couenant promise
    and bind myselfe to Allow mayntayne and Ratifie and to hould the
    same Irrecouerable In witnes whearof I the sayd hugh Griffith haue
    hearunto set my hand and seale this nine and twentith day of
    September Anno Dm 1662 and in the fourteenth year of the Raigne
    of owr most Gratious Soueraing Lord Kinge Charles the second
    ouer England &c          the marke of
    Seigned and Deliuered Hugh H Griffith 0
      in Pnts of us
         Christopher Ellisshier
         George Meares Senr
      Bee it knowne unto all men by thees Presents that I Thomas [p. 42]
    Allonson of Charleses County in the Prouince of Mariland Gent: A
    trew and lawful Atturney of heugh Griffith Marinor of London for
    diuers good Considerations mee hearunto moueing haue giuen
    granted and by thiss my Present deed of Gift doe giue and grant
    from mee my heirs Executors Administrators and Assignes unto
    James Lendsey to him his heirs Executors Administrators and
    Assignes All my Right title and interest of one hundered and fifty
    Acres of Land adioyning to the Land did belong formarly to Georg
    Thompson of the sayd County and Prouince Gent: which Land is

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Proceedings of the County Courts of Charles County 1666-1674
Volume 60, Page 17   View pdf image (33K)
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