xiv Letter of Transmittal.
highest celebrity among the political writings of this period". It has been re-
printed in full in the March, 1911, number of the Maryland Historical Magazine.
In 1764 there arose a political war of pamphleteers on the character of the
Provincial government of Maryland, which had its origin in a series of ques-
tions, by an anonymous writer hostile to the Proprietary interests, that had
appeared in the Public Ledger of London for November 17, 1763. These news-
paper "Queries" were followed in 1764 by an anonymous pamphlet "By a
Friend to Maryland", entitled "Remarks upon a Message sent by the Upper
to the Lower House" during the March-April, 1762, session. This pamphlet
assailed the arguments contained in the Message along the same lines as
had the author of the "Queries" in the London Public Ledger. It was be-
lieved by many that Benjamin Franklin was the author of the "Remarks".
Later in the year 1764 another anonymous pamphlet appeared with the title
"An Answer to the Queries ..... and to the Remarks" by another "Friend
to Maryland", probably from the joint pen of the Reverend Thomas Bacon,
author of the recently compiled "Laws of Maryland at Large", and of Cecilius
Calvert, Provincial Secretary of Maryland in England, and uncle of the Lord
Proprietary. The probable authorship and place of publication of "The Re-
marks" and of "An Answer" are discussed in the introduction. Both of these
pamphlets are so rare, only three copies of each being known, and are so im-
portant as throwing light upon the bitter political controversies of the period,
that they are reprinted in the Appendix to make them available to all students
of Maryland history. In the Appendix will also be found printed for the first
time historical material now available only in manuscript form in the Hall of
Records in Annapolis and in the Maryland Historical Society.
In the Introduction there will be summarized the various more important
matters which came under the consideration in the General Assembly during
the 1765 sessions and the laws that were passed. The reader is referred to the
Table of Contents where they are severally listed. The original manuscript
material from which the proceedings of both the upper and the lower houses
of Assembly and the acts for the two sessions held in 1765, as printed in this
volume, has been copied, comes from the same sources as that from which the
proceedings and acts of the 1762 and 1763 sessions was derived. This source
material has been discussed at length in the preceding volume, LVIII, of the
Archives, so nothing further need be said of it here. As in preceding volumes,
where messages and addresses are recorded in the journals of both houses, if
short they are printed in the proceedings of both houses; if long, they are
printed in full in the proceedings of the house in which they had their origin,
only the opening paragraph being reproduced in the proceedings of the house