Levy of, 317.
'Levy list of, So, 156.
Surveyor of, 315, 316.
Queene Anne's Parish (Prince
George's County), 454-455.
Queen's Town (Queen Anne's
County), 315.
Queries in the London Public
Ledger, xiv, 367, 409.
8uills (pens), 258, 322.
uit Rents, 284, 450, 451, 452.
Rand, Isaac, 43, 278.
Rape, 122.
"Readbourne" (Queen Anne's
County), xx.
Reardon, Sarah, 124.
Record Books, 258.
Recoveries, Defective, Bill to
aid, xxxviii, 50, 61, 77, 79,
ISO, 153, 179, 185.
Reeder, Thomas, 267.
Remarks Upon a Message, xiv,
Ixx, Ixxi, 372-379, 409, 4io,
Remonstrance, Against negro
thieves, 52.
To the Governor, 172, 230-
Rent Roll, Keepers of, 65.
Replevin, Writs of, Issuing of,
by county courts, xxxvii, 60,
62, 142, 179, 184, 187.
Representation, see Great Brit-
ain, Parliament of.
Resieur, Conrad, 117.
Reynolds, John, 123.
Richard, 121.
Rhode Island, At Continental
Congress, 329-330, 354.
Rice, Evan (Delaware), 335.
Richardson, Thomas and Com-
pany, 147.
Riddle, Robert, 65.
Ridout, John, Esqr. (Upper
House), xviii, xix, Ixxii, 3,
6, 41, 43, A-?. 52, 71, 75, oo,
203; sent by the Upper
House, xx, 3, i o, 16, 26, 42,
47, 52, 53, 54, 78, 83, 84, 90,
91, 93, 97, no, 150, 160, 167,
170, 217, 230, 233, 235, 249,
Rights of British Subjects, xlii,
8, 18, 19, 21, 23, 26, 207, 335,
337, 342, 344, 346.
Rights of Englishmen, Promise
of, in Maryland charter, 30,
Rights of the Freemen of this
Province, xxii, 23, 30-32, 35,
Rights and Liberties of the
Colonists, Declaration of,
by Continental Congress,
Rights of Men, 8, 210.
Ringgold, Mr. Justice, 119.
Thomas (Kent County), xix,
15,22, 35, 119, 139, 141, 142,
144, 145, 146, 150, 153, 154,
158, 159, 161, 167, 171, 172,
177, 179, 181, 185, 194, 202,
216, 221, 232, 250, 259, 433;
Commissioner to divide par-
ishes, 315; on Comm, to
answer the Governor's mes-
sage, 139, 140; on Comm, to
answer the Upper House on
the Journal of Accounts,
212; on Comm, of corre-
spondence, xlix, 257; on
Comm, to dispose of the
public money, Ixii, 166; on
Comm, to draft declaration
of rights, 23; on Comm, to
draw a remonstrance to the
Governor, 172, 230-236; on
Comm, to enquire into the
Ogle petition. 158, 174-176;
on Comm, to enquire into
use of fines and forfeitures,
157; on Comm, to inspect
the Loan Office, Ixi, 63, 68,
139; on Comm, to instruct
Charles Garth, ,xlvii, 181;
on Comm, to prepare an
address to the Governor,
250; on Comm, to report on
the Clerk of the Council's
accounts, 216; delegate to
colonial congress, x, xxi,
xxvi, xli, xiv, Ixvii, 6, 11,
21, 24, 26, 27, 29, 93-94, 139,
180, 206, 321, 337, 353; sent
by the Lower House, xx, 3,
16, 34, 61, 76, 185, 213, 231,
232; votes, 27, 152, 153, 162,
164, 165, 166, 167, 187, 189,
191, 192, 193, 194, 203, 225,
226, 255, 256, 2<7, 258.
Risteau, John (late sheriff of
Baltimore County), 66.
Roads, Act for the laying out of,
xxxviii, 71, 76, in, 190, 195,
197, 212, 214, 253, 285-286
Petition for the laying out of,
Public, act for repairing, 72,
81, 112, 197, 201, 227, 254,
293; see also Ferries.
Roberts, Samuel, 52.
Robins, Robert, 403.
Robinson, Thomas (Delaware),
Rodney, Caesar (Delaware),
335, 336.
Roman Catholics, xxxv, Ixxii,
116, 208, 452; see also
Papists; Aliens, Security of
Protestant Purchasers from.
Ross, Dr. David, liv, 223, 224.
John (Clerk of the U. H. and
of the Council), 1, Ivi, 41,
44, 51, 84, 85, 86, 95-96, 97,
98, 102, IO3, IO9, 126, 224;
see also Council, Clerk of.
Routh, Christopher Cross, Com-
missioner to divide parishes,
Rowland, David (Connecticut),
330, 331-
Royal Charlotte (H.M.S.), xiv,
Rudgkins, E:, 128.
Ruggles, Timothy (Massachu-
setts), 328, 339-
Rum, 1 20.
Rumsey, William (late of Cecil
County), 67.
Mrs. William, 67.
Rutland, Edmund, 116.
Rutledge, John (South Caro-
lina), 337, 338, 339, 340, 343-
Rynd, Alexander, 65.
Saddle Horses and Mares, 388.
St. Andrew's Parish (St. Mary's
County), xxvii, Ivii-lviii, 52,
60, 62, 73, no, 177, 181, 185,
187, 199, 205, 252, 264-265
(text of act).
Relocation of church, 265.
St. Augustine (Florida), 116.
St. Domingo, 121.
St. James Parish (Anne Arun-
del County, xxvii, Ivii, 43,
79, 81, 112, 140, 143, 166,
213, 218, 228, 254, 297-298
(text of act).
St. John's Parish (Queen Anne's
County), xxvii, Iviii-lix, 83,
93, 112, 211, 228, 232, 233,
235, 249, 255, 3I4-3I9-
St. Luke's Parish (Queen Anne's
County), xxvii, Iviii-lix, 83,
93, 112, 211, 228 232, 233,
235, 249, 255, 3I4-3I9-
St. Mary's County, 309, 311, 312.
Delegates of, 15, 131, 143.
Jail of, 53, 167.
Justices of, 60, 62, 73, no, 181,
185, 187, 188, 199, 204, 205,
252, 26^ 265, 266.
Levy of, 265.
Levy list of, 50, 156.
Sheriff of, 266.
Special court in, 124.
St. Michael's River, 294.
St. Omer, College of, 415.
St. Paul's Parish (Baltimore
County), 116, 219.
St. Paul's Parish (Kent Coun-
ty), xxvii, Iviii, 50, 61, 62,
74, no, 158, 177, 181, 185,
187, 199, 204, 253, 269-270
(text), 299, 301.
St. Paul's Parish (Queen Anne's
and Talbot Counties), Iviii-
lix, 71, 84, 93, 112, 195, 211,
213, 228, 235, 249, 255, 314-
Petition from southern part
of, lix, 71, 195, 213, 317.
Salaries, see Council, Clerk of.
Sardeine (H.M.S.), xxii, xxvi,
xiv, 137, 138; see also
Stamped Paper.