Comm, to revise the laws, 190
Comm, of rooms, xlix, 172
217, 218.
Debate in, limitations on, 133
Doorkeeper of, xx, 1, 17, 18
Expenses of, xxvi, xxvii, 1
172, 218; see also Accounts
Journal of.
Hours of, 135.
Instructions of constituents
and, xxiii, xxlvi, xliv, xlv
36, 80, 140, 447-
Journal of, 26, 75, 77, 172, 205
213, 222, 246, 431, 445.
Limitation on new business in
Meeting Place of, 78, 215, 218
Message of, to the Upper
House, 6, 7, 13, 25, 42, 59
61-63, 68, 76-77, 82-83, 94,
113, 178, 181, 183, 186-187,
iOO, 189, 190, 228 229, 233
249, 258-259, 374, 424, 431,
Penalties for absence from,
Reading of bills in, 133.
Request of, for recess, 34, 35,
Rules of (full text), xxiii,
Serjeant-at-arms to, xx, 1, 17,
18, 218; see also Saunders,
Capt. Robert.
Speaker of, 3, 16; to have
power of recognition, 133;
see also Lloyd, Robert.
Thanks of, to Stamp Act
Congress delegation, x, xlv,
Votes and Proceedings of, 187,
195, 204, 214, 250, 258, 312,
431; see also Green, Jonas,
Votes and Proceedings.
Lowndes, Raw [lings] (South
Carolina), 339.
Lucas, Barton (officer, Md.
Forces), Ixv, 54, 170, 173,
196, 197, 251.
Lucrative Offices, Ixix, Ixxii,
157, 388, 396, 445, 450, 4SI-
Lumber, Restrictions on the
export of, 208.
Lux, William, 223, 224.
Lynch, Thomas (South Caro-
lina), 337, 339, 343.
Lynn, William, Ixv, 44, 252.
Lyon, Mr., 364.
William, 186, 305.
Lyster, William, 121.
McClean, James, 299.
MacClellan (McLennon), Capt.
William, Ixv, Ixvi, 47, 145,
McDonald, James, 115.
M'Kean, Thomas (Delaware),
335, 336, 340, 343-
McLennon, see MacClellan.
Macnemara, Michael (clerk to
the Lower House, alder-
man), xx, 4, 17, 234.
Mackall, Benjamin (Calvert
County), 15, 143, 150, 168
173; sent by the Lower
House, 10, n, 12, 28, 30, 32
53, 163; votes, 27, 151, 152
153, 159, 161, 162, 164, 165
166, 168.
John James, 433.
Majesty's Forces, 145.
Instructions, 124.
Prerogative, 448, 449, 450.
Service, 66; see also Supplies
to the Crown.
Manigault, Gabriel ( South
Carolina), 338.
Manners, George, 403.
Manufactures, Bounties for, 54,
63, 170, 188.
Lad: of, in Virginia and
Maryland, 207; see also
Linen; Poor, Act for the
Benefit of.
Markets and Market Houses,
44, 83, 90, 112, 154, 170, 186,
211, 234, 255, 306-308; see
also Baltimore Town, Mar-
ket in.
Marshall, William, 115.
M'aryland, Attorney General of,
see Bordley, Stephen.
Charter of, x, Ixxii, 364, 445;
exemption from English
taxation in, x, xlii, 31;
promise of rights of Eng-
lishmen in, xlviii, 30-31, 207,
209; translation of, sent to
aid in fight against Parlia-
mentary taxes, xlviii, 206,
Delegates to Stamp Act Con-
gress, x, xxi, xli, xliv,
xlvii, 6, 21-22; see also
Murdock, William; Ring-
gold, Thomas: Tilghman,
Forces, 44, 5o, 54, 58.
Troops, see Maryland Forces;
Soldiers, Provincial.
Maryland Gazette, xv, Hi, Ixiii,
Ixviii, 35, 327.
Mason (Matson), Ralph, 223.
Massachusetts Bay, Province of,
House of Representatives
of, ix, xxi, xl, xli, Ixvii, 7-9,
18-20, 21, 25, 139, 327, 328,
332, 338, 354-
Matches (arms and ammuni-
tion), 147.
Mathews, George (Baltimore
County), 114.
Matson, see Mason.
Mattapany (St. Mary's Coun-
ty), 446.
Vlatthews, Thomas, 403.
Mauduit, Mr. (Agent of Mass.
Bay Colony), 7, 8, 19.
William (late sheriff of
Prince George's County).
Memorial and Petition, To
Parliament, 180, 181, 206,
Men, see Soldiers, Provincial.
Middle Temple (London), xix.
Middleton, Samuel, 74, 202.
Militia, Accounts of, payment of,
Ixix, 141, 149.
Training of, 115; see also
Maryland Forces.
Militia Accounts, 141.
Mill, 234, 299.
Miller, James, 223.
Mills, Act to repeal act to en-
courage building, xxxiv, 55,
61, 174, 185.
Minskey, Nicholas, 57, 177, 278.
Moalp, JnVin, Tft/>, 3f>$.
Modley, John, 403.
Moidore, see Moydore.
Monckton, Gen., 122.
Money, Burning of, see Loan
Office, Burning of Paper
Money Bills, Origination of, see
Lower House, Claim of, to
Sole Right.
Monk, Peter, 120.
Monocacy (Monocasey, Mono-
cocy, Monockasy) River,
54, 57, 61, 68, 167, 176, 186,
Monro, George (Delaware),
Montreal, Que., xxv, 45, 46, 113,
148-149, 256, 257, 258.
Moore, Charles (Pennsylvania),
Morgan, Henry (late sheriff of
Baltimore County), 66.
Richard, 123.
Morgans Creek, 300.
Mortgages, 65.
Act for the speedy foreclosure
of, xxxvii, 146, 173, 181.
Morton, John (Pennsylvania),
Moydore (moidore, coin), xlvii,
94, 354-
Muddy Creek, 299.
Mulattoes and Free Negroes,
xxxvi, 172, 214, 222, 229.
Mulkiere, Capt. Vale, 123.
Murder, 120.
Vlurdock (Murdoch), William
(Prince George's County),
xix, Ivi, 15, 32, 35, 131, 132,
139, 142, 143, 160, 168, 193,
203, 221, 226, 232, 433; on
Comm, to answer the
Governor's message, 139;
on Comm, of correspon-
dence, xlix, 257; on Comm,
to draft declaration of