Ferries, 43, 173.
Finley, James, 121.
Fires, see Montreal; Boston.
Fish, Act for the preservation of
the breed of, xxxiii, xxxiv,
150, 181, 191.
Export of, to Catholic Europe,
Fish Conservation, xxxiii; see
also Potomac River, Navi-
gation of, Prevention of
Obstructions to.
Fisher, George, 121.
Hendrick (New York), 333.
Fitch, Thomas (Connecticut),
33i, 332.
Flag of Truce, see Truce, Flag
Flax and Hemp, xxxviii, 54, 63,
165, 170, 188, 208, 267, 268.
Flaxseed, 262.
Fleetwood, John, 121.
Flint, Joseph, 223.
Florida, see West Florida.
Food Supplies, Sale of, in mar-
ket house only, 306.
Forbes, Gen. John, 119.
Forgery, Penalty for, 462.
Forrester, Rev. George William,
Iviii, 300.
Fort Cumberland, 119, 449.
Fort Frederick, 119, 122, 148,
Fort Loudon, 117.
Fort William Henry (New
York), 117.
Forty-Fourth Regiment of Foot,
Forty Thousand Pound Act,
1756, see Supply Bill.
Four Hundred Men, Raising of,
Fox, H., 115.
Foxes, Red, Act for Destroying,
83, 90, 112, 170, 233, 255,
309-311 (text).
Franklin, Benjamin, xiv, Ixx,
Ixii, 415.
Franklin & Hall (Philadelphia
printers), Ixx.
Frederick, see Frederick Town.
Frederick County, 309, 311, 312.
Collector of land tax in, 66.
nplpgatps rvf s, 6, TO, t6, 31,
24, 25, 132, 144.
Destruction of wolves in, act
for, 72, 168, 201.
Jail of, 43, 57, 177.
Justices of, 125.
Levy list of, 50, 156.
Militia of, 117, 145.
Special court in, 128.
Frederick Town, Armed gather-
ing in, 221, 223, 224 234.
Freedom Certificates, Free ne-
groes required to get,
xxxvi, 172, 214, 222, 229.
Freeman, Richard, 57, 177.
French Neutrals (Acadians), H,
74, 202.
Frisby, William, 299.
Frontiers and Frontier Defense,
118, 119, 145.
Gadsden, Christopher (South
Carolina), 337, 339.
Ganntt, see Gantt.
Gant, see Gantt.
Gantt (Ganntt, Gant), Edward
(Calvert County), 15, 27,
131, 143, 174, 193, 197, 255;
on Comm, of grievances and
courts of justice, 139; sent
by the Lower House, 58, 60,
62, 176, 184, 189; votes, 27,
151, 152, 153, 159, 162, 164,
165, 166, 168, 187, 189, 191,
192, 193, 203, 225, 226.
Fielder (Frederick County),
xix, 16, 132, 142, 144, 145,
158, 171, 172, 176, 183, 215;
on Comm, to enquire into
Schley-Myar petition, 173;
sent by the Lower House,
5, 6, 10, 21, 24, 25, 54, 61,
171; votes, 27, 159, 160, 162,
164, 165, 166, 168, 187, 189,
191, 192, 193, 195, 203.
Garland, Stephen, 43, 278.
Garlington, John, 43, 278.
Garth, Charles, Esqr., x, xi,
xxvi, xlv, xlvi, xlvii, xlviii,
xlix, Ivi, Ixviii, 94, 190, 191,
205, 206-211, 216-217, 257,
327, 353, 354-356; instruc-
tions to, from Lower House,
xxvi, xlviii, 206-211.
Gay. Nicholas Ruxton, 186, 305.
Gentlemen's Magasine, The, 122.
George II, Death of, 122, 123.
Georgia, attitude of, to colonial
congress, 351-352, 353, 355-
Ghiselin, Reverdy (Clerk, Prov.
Ct), 37, 322.
Gibson, Woolman (Talbot
County), xix, 5, 21, 141,
143, 161, 178, 217, 221; sent
by the Lower House, 13, 33,
60, 61, 184, 186; votes, 27,
151, 152, 153, 159, 189, 190,
192, 193, 194, 203.
Gill, Luke, 48, 278.
Glover, Elias, 122.
Goal, see Baltimore County, J ail
Gold, see Sterling.
Gold and Silver, 65, 313.
Goldsborough, Charles, Esqr.
(Upper House), xviii, xix,
3, 6, 120, 363; as Commis-
sary General, Ixix, 363.
John or Robert, 172.
John (Talbot County), 15, 35,
131, 141, 143, ISO, 174, 190,
191, 193; on Comm, of ac-
counts, 68, 137, 145, 185;
on Comm, to answer the
Governor's message, 139;
on comm. to draft declara-
tion of rights, 23; on Comm,
on expiring laws, 140; on
Comm, of grievances and
courts of justice, 154; on
comm. to instruct delegates
to col. cong., xxi, xli, 21,
25-26; sent by the Lower
House, xx, 3, 4, 6, n, 16,
17, 24, 30, 36, 41, 46, 53, 68,
132, 149, 163; votes, 27, 151,
152, 153, 159, 162, 164, 165,
166, 167, 187, 189, 191, 192,
Robert, III (Dorchester
County), xix, xx, 15, 131,
144, 172, 173, 179; on
Comm, of accounts, 137; on
Comm, to inspect the public
records, 205; sent by the
Lower House, 54, 62, 167,
189; votes, 27, 151, 153, 159,
162, 164, 165, 166, 167, 187,
189, 190, 192, 193, 195, 203,
255, 256, 257, 258.
Hon. William, 119.
Goslin, Eliz., 43.
Gougett, Nicholas, 121.
Gould, Benjamin, Commissioner
to divide parishes, 315.
Government, Support of, 82, 88,
107, 239, 240, 241, 244, 248,
428, 429; see also Proprie-
tary, Receipt of Fines and
Forfeitures by; Council
Clerk of, Salary of.
Governor, Address of, to the
Assembly, 3-4, 14, 16, 22, 36.
As Chancellor of the province,
Ixix, 371, 418.
Failure of, to call the As-
sembly, ix, xvii, xlix, 210,
Message of, to the Lower
House, xxii, xliv, 34, 35,
137, 139, 145, 220-221, 223,
402-403, 406.
Message of, to the Upper
House, xxii, xliv, 9, 13, 44,
79-80, 148.
Graham, see Grahame.
Grahame (Graham), Charles
(Calvert County), 15, 131,
141, 142, 143, 150, 171, 172,
174, 179, 189, 258; on Comm,
to answer the Governor's
message, 139; on Comm, to
answer the Upper House on
the Journal of Accounts,
212; on Comm, to dispose
of the public money, 166;
on comm. to draft declara-
tion of rights, 23; on Comm.
to draw a remonstrance to
the Governor, 172; on
Comm, to enquire into the
Beall-Ware petition, 173,
195-196, 213, 251-252; on
Comm, to enquire into the