Mess.rs J Goldsborough and Richard Loyd acquaint His Excel-
lency that there are a sufficient Number of Members met to make a
House and wait his Excellencys Commands.
Benedict Calvert and Daniel Dulany Esquires, are sent to acquaint
the Lower House, that his Excellency requires their Attendance in
the Upper House, immediately.
The Lower House attend, and his Excellency desires them to
proceed to the Business recommended to them at their last Meeting.
On Motion made, it is ordered by this House, that M.r Ross, late
Clerk of the Council, do lay before this House, an Account of the
Services done by Him in his said Office since the passing of the
last Journal.
Mess.rs Hanson and Loyd attend with M.r William Hynson a
Member elected for Kent County, Captain Fran.s Ware for Charles
County, and Walter Dulany Esq.r for the City of Annapolis, to see
them qualified, who take the Oaths to the Government appointed to
be taken by Act of Assembly, repeat and subscribe the Abjuration
and Test, and then withdraw.
Adjourned until 10 oClock Tomorrow Morning