want of it is much felt, the Specie that is at present lock'd up in that
Office and such Money as having been remitted to England by Virtue
of Several Acts of Assembly still remains there unappropriated.
I have not for my part any thing Gentlemen at this Time to ask
of you and it would be unnecessary for me to recommend to you
the making of such new Laws as Your own Experience teaches You
the Province is in want of I shall therefore only say that I most
sincerely wish all your Deliberations may tend to advance the Publick
Good, and that altho' You compose two Houses, yet since your
Interest is the same You may proceed with the greatest Harmony,
and as is your Duty, be unanimous in your Endeavours, to promote
the Welfare of your Country which I also consider as my own.
23 Sept.r 1765.
Mess.rs J Goldsborough and Lecompte from the Lower House
acquaint his Excellency that their House hath made Choice of M.r
Michael Macnemara for their Clerk and hope for his Excellency
Approbation to whom his Excellency is pleased to declare that he
approves their Choice.
Mess.rs J Goldsborough and Lecompte from the Lower House
attend with M.r Michael Macnemara, Clerk of the said House in
order to see him Qualified who takes the Oaths to the Government
appointed to be taken by Act of Assembly and Subscribes the Abju-
ration and Test and also takes the usual Oath of Office and then
Adjourned till to Morrow Morning 10 of the Clock.