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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1764-1765
Volume 59, Page 331   View pdf image
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Appendix. 331

and must be reduced, by the Operation of the Acts of Parliament
for laying Duties and Taxes on the Colonies, and to consider of,
and propose, a general, and united, dutiful, loyal, and humble Repre-
sentation of their Condition, to his Majesty and the Parliament,
and to implore Relief.
In Your Proceedings you are to take Care, that you form so much
Junction with the other Commissioners, as will subject you to the
major Vote of the Commissioners present.

rary Printed

You are to inform the Governor and General Assembly, at the
Session in October next, of all such Proceedings as shall appear to
you needful and convenient, to be communicated for Consideration,
and to observe all such further Instructions as you may receive.
And you are to Report your Doings, with the Doings of the Com-
missioners, at such Meeting, to the General Assembly of this Colony,
for Acceptance and Approbation.
A true Copy, Examined by
George Wyllys, Secr.y
Thomas Fitch, Esq; Governor, Commander in Chief
of his Majesty's Colony of Connecticut, in New-England,
in America.
To Eliphalet Dyer, David Rowland, and William Samuel Johnson,
Esquires. Greeting.

Whereas the General Assembly of the said Colony of Connecticut,
at their Sessions holden at Hartford, on the Nineteenth Day of
this Instant September, nominated and appointed you, or any Two
of you, to be Commissioners on behalf of this Colony, to repair to
New-York, to attend a Congress, proposed to be held there by Com-
missioners from the several Governments on this Continent, to confer
upon a general and united, humble, loyal, and dutiful Representa-
tion to his Majesty and the Parliament, of the present Circumstances
of the Colonies, and the Difficulties to which they are, and must be
reduced, by the Operation of the Acts of Parliament for levying
Duties and Taxes on the Colonies, and to implore Relief, &c. and
have desired me to Commission you accordingly.

I do therefore, reposing especial Trust and Confidence in your
Loyalty, Ability, and good Conduct, hereby Constitute, authorize,
and Commission you, the said Eliphalet Dyer, David Rowland, and
William Samuel Johnson, Esquires, or any Two of you, for and
on Behalf of this Colony, to repair to the said City of New-York, on
the first Day of October next, or at the Time, which according to
the Intelligence you may receive of the Convening of the other Com-
missioners, may appear to you seasonable and best, to confer and
consult with them, or such of them as shall be present, upon and
concerning the Matters and Things before mentioned, for the Pur-
poses aforesaid, wherein you are to observe such Instructions as you
have received, or shall further receive from the General Assembly

p. S

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1764-1765
Volume 59, Page 331   View pdf image
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