the future, which Petitions, if drawn up, as far as you shall be
able to Judge agreeable to the Mind of this House, you are im-
powered to sign and forward, and you are to lay a Copy of the
same before this House, and make Report of your Proceedings upon
your Return.
It is the hearty Prayer of this House, that the Congress may be
endued with that Wisdom, which is from above; and that their
Councils and Determinations may be attended with the Divine
Samuel White, Speaker.
From the Colony of Rhode-Island, and Providence Plantations,
Metcalf Bowler,
Henry Ward, Esquires.
Who produced the following Appointment, viz.
By the Honourable Samuel Ward, Esq; Governor,
Captain-General, and Commander in Chief, of, and over
English Colony of Rhode-Island and Providence Plan-
tation, in New-England, in America.
To Metcalf Bowler, and Henry Ward, Esquires. Greeting.
Whereas the General Assembly of this Colony, have nominated
and appointed you, the said Metcalf Bowler, and Henry Ward, to
be Commissioners in behalf of this Colony, to meet such Commis-
sioners as are or shall be appointed, by the other British Governments
in North-America, to meet at New-York, on the first Tuesday of
October next:
I do therefore hereby Authorize, impower, and Commissionate
you, the said Metcalf Bowler and Henry Ward, forthwith to repair
to New-York, and there, in behalf of this Colony, to meet and join
with the other Commissioners, in consulting together on the present
Circumstances of the Colonies, and the Difficulties to which they are,
and must be reduced, by the Operation of the Act of Parliament, for
levying Duties and Taxes upon the Colonies, and to consider of a
general, and united, dutiful, loyal, and humble Representation to
his Majesty and the Parliament, and to implore Relief. And you
are also hereby impowered to conclude and agree with the other
Commissioners, upon such Measures as you shall think necessary
and proper, for obtaining Redress of the Grievances of the Colonies,
agreeable to the Instructions given you by the General Assembly
of this Colony. Given under my Hand, and the Seal of the said
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