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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1764-1765
Volume 59, Page 163   View pdf image
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The Lower House. 163

The Bill entituled a Supplementary Act to the Act Entituled An
Act for the speedy Recovery of small Debts out of Court before One
Justice of the peace and the Bill Entituled A Supplementary Act to the
Act Entituled An Act ascertaining what Damages shall be allowed
upon protested Bills for Exchange were sent to the Upper House by
M.r J. Goldsborough and Mr Mackall

Samuel Wilson Esq.r brings in and delivers to Mr Speaker the
following Report Viz

By the Committee appointed to enquire into the Facts set forth
in the petition of Mary Covington Administratrix of Philip Coving-
ton deceased

Your Committee find that the Inventory of Philip Covingtons
Estate returned into the Commissarys Office amounts to £184.0.5 as
alledged in the petition

That by an Account passed by Mary Covington Admix of Philip
Covington with the Deputy Commissary of Somerset County it ap-
pears the said Admix hath paid the Sum of £184.. 2.. 11 of which
£161.1.4 was applied to the Payment of a Bond passed by Philip
Covington to Henry Waggaman Jun.r

Your Committee further Report that a paper purporting to be a
Copy of a Bond passed by Philip Covington Daniel Jones and
Nehemiah Covington to Henry Waggaman Junior dated the
of August 1763 for the payment of £301. 5. 5 1/4 Current Paper Money
with Interest and on which is Indorsed an Affidavit of Levin Wilson
that the same was a true Copy of the Original Bond to which the
said Levin Wilson appears to be a Witness was produced and shewn
to us but the Original Bond was not shewn us

That another paper purporting to be a Copy of a Bond passed by
Philip Covington Daniel Jones and James Covington to Mary Wag-
gaman dated the day of August 1763 for the payment of
£25...4.0 in pieces of Eight at 7/6 each with Interest and on which
is Indorsed an Affidavit of Levin Wilson that the same was a true
Copy of the Original Bond to the said Levin Wilson appears
to be a Witness was produced and shewn to us but the Original
Bond was not shown us

That another paper purporting to be a Copy of a Bond from
Philip Covington and James Covington to Levin Dashiell Dated
the Day of April 1762 for the payment of £16.14.4 in good
Spanish pistoles or pieces of Eight as they shall pass at the Time of
Payment at or before the Day of April then next ensuing with
Interest was also produced and shewn to us

That sundry Account against Philip Covington Amounting to
£61..9..7 3/4 some whereof are proved and others not proved were
produced and shewn to us

L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
Nov. 19

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1764-1765
Volume 59, Page 163   View pdf image
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