U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
Sept. 28
that if the Stamp'd Papers destined for this Province where there
is no Place of Defence or Security in which they could be Lodged
were to arrive and be landed this time an Attempt at least would be
made to destroy them We humbly Submit it to Your Excellency
as Our Opinion that in Order to prevent such an Indignity being
Offered to the Legislature of Great Britain it might be recommended
to the Commander of One of his Majestys Ships on the Virginia
Station to receive the Papers on Board until some Person duly
Qualified to take Charge thereof shall apply for them or Your Ex-
cellency shall think they may be landed here without Risk or until
his Majestys Ministers shall Signifie where they would have them
deposited or how disposed of.
28th Sept.r 1765. Benjamin Tasker President.
Samuel Chamberlain Esq.r and Col.o Lloyd are sent to the Lower
House to acquaint the Speaker that his Excellency requires his
immediate attendance with the Lower House to see the Bill passed
both Houses this Session receive the Assent. The Lower House
attend and by their Speaker present to his Excellency the follow-
ing Bill.
A Bill Entituled, An Act to continue all Such Acts of Assembly
of this Province as would expire with this Session of Assembly.
Which his Excellency passed into a Law in the usual form by
Sealing it with the Right honourable the Lord Proprietary his great
Seal at Arms and Subscribing it on behalf of the Right honourable
the Lord Proprietary of this Province I will this be a Law,
After which his Excellency was pleased to Conclude this Session
with the following Speech.
Gentlemen of the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly.
I have thought fit with the Advice of his Lordships Council of
State to Prorogue this Assembly to the 31.st day of October next
You are therefore to take Notice that You are prorogued to that day
Thus Ends this Session of Assembly begun and held at the City
of Annapolis on Monday the 23.d day of Sept.r ending the 28.th day
of the same Month in the Fifteenth Year of his Lordships Dominion
and in the Fifth Year of his Majestys Reign Annoque Domini 1765.
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