The Lower House. 77
determined to use our utmost Endeavours, with all possible Dispatch,
to answer the Royal Expectations in a Manner the most suitable
to the Circumstances of our Constituents, of which your Excellency
has been so candid as to allow, that we must be supposed to be the
best Judges.
As to the severe Reprehension contained in the Earl of Egremont's
Letter, which you have been pleased to lay before us, it is the par-
ticular Misfortune of this Province to be without an Agent at Home,
to represent the Transactions of their Delegates in their true Light,
owing to the constant Refusal of the Upper House to pass the Bills,
which have been at almost every Opportunity offered them, for the
Support of a Person of that Character in London. And as that
Reprehension is so general, we must conclude that our most Gracious
Sovereign and his Ministers, have not been fully and truly informed
of the repeated generous Offers of the People, heretofore made by
their Representatives, to raise very large Supplies for his Majesty's
Service, by Bills passed for those Purposes, and constantly refused
by the Upper House.
Which was Read and Assented to, and Signed, by Order of the
House, by the Honourable Speaker.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
March 18
Ordered, That Mr Edward Tilghman and Col. Richard Lloyd
do acquaint his Excellency, That this House hath prepared an Ad-
dress, to be presented to him, and desires to know when and where
he will be pleased to receive it. They return and acquaint Mr. Speaker,
That his Excellency signified he would receive it in a Quarter of an
Hour in the Conference Chamber.
Ordered, That Mr. Robert Lloyd, with Eleven more, do present
the Address to his Excellency.
The House adjourns till the Morrow Morning 9 of the Clock.
p. 13
Friday, March 19, 1762.
The House met according to Adjournment. The Members were
called, and all appeared as Yesterday. The Proceedings were Read.
On Motion, Resolved, That this House will, immediately after
the Sitting of the House on the Morrow Morning, take into Con-
sideration the Subject Matter contained in his Excellency's Speech,
together with the Letters from his Majesty's Secretary of State, and
Sir Jeffery Amherst.
The House adjourns till 2 of the Clock.
Post-Meridiem. The House met according to Adjournment.
On Motion, Leave was given to bring in a Bill for the Adjourn-
ment and Continuance of Queen-Anne's and Prince-George's County
March 19