Delegates of, 11, 68, 78, 84,
218, 290, 292.
Justices of, 119.
Sheriff of, 51, 275, 406, 573,
St. Paul's Parish (Baltimore
County), xxiii, 1, 18, 103,
105, 116, 200-202.
(Queen Anne's County), 236,
St. Peter's Parish (Talbot
County), xxvii, li, 15, 91,
105, 155, 454.
St. Stephen's Parish (Cecil
County), liii, 228, 235-236,
249, 288, 321, 325, 332, 339,
342, 348, 386, 426-427, 454.
Salaries, xxiv, xl, lvi, ixiv, 119,
120, 126, 130, 150, 151, 153,
176, 189, 193, 202, 253, 272,
298, 310, 365, 367, 450, 467,
511, 516-517, 545, 546.
Salisbury (Somerset County),
xxxiv, ixxix, 581.582.
Salt House, 496.
Sandy Point (Anne Arundel
County), liv, 498.
Saunders, Captain Robert (Ser-
jeant at Arms of the Lower
House), xvii, 70, 71, 145.
Scales, see Weights and Mea-
Scalps and Prisoners, Rewards
for xlv, ixxii, 121, 146, 275,
288, 313, 338, 342, 414, 417,
418, 419; see also Indians.
Scalps and Scalping, 121, 146.
Scarborough, Colonel —— , 450,
School Lands, 232, 234, 517;
see also counties by name.
Schools, see counties by name.
Scott, Mrs. Catherine (Fred-
erick County), xxxiv, 260.
John, 580.
Upton (Sheriff of Anne
Arundel County), 48.
Scrogin, Joseph, 582.
Search Warrants, 461, 489-490.
Secrecy, see Oath of Office.
Secret Sales and Mortgages, see
Creditors, Act for the Re-
lief of.
Selby, John (Worcester Coun-
ty), 555-
Parker (Worcester County),
69, 78, 137, 145; on Comm,
on arms and ammunition,
76; votes, 75, 82, 83, 86, 87,
89, 95, 101, 109, 1 10, in,
112, 113, 115, 122, 131, 136,
143, 144.
Senmain, Samuel, 55.
Serjeants, Rate of pay of, 88,
Servants, Duty on, ixi, 47, 49,
50, 274.
Some evils relating to, act to
remedy, 221, 222, 241, 287,
298, 300, 302, 305, 347, 386,
423, 424.
Servants, White, xl, 544.
Servants and Slaves, xl, 209,
222, 226, 241, 288, 298, 299,
304, 306, 316, 348, 386, 425,
Act Relating to, 14, 23, 65,
91, 93, 106, 117, 134, 174,
183, 347-
Settlers, Protestant, Encourage-
ment of, 266.
Sewell, Charles, 54, 577.
Clement, 54, 577.
Shackley, Jonathan P., 582.
Sharpe, Governor Horatio, ix,
x; see also Governor.
Sheep, 544, 546.
Shelley, Captain (Frederick
County), 264.
Sheredine, Thomas (Late sher-
iff, Baltimore County), 51,
54, 273, 406.
Sheriffs, Collectors of income
tax, 564, 565.
Duties of, ixii, ixiii, 197, 199,
231, 334, 406, 418, 420, 445,
454, 460, 470, 483.484, 500,
550, 560, 565, 566.
Fees of, 477-478.
Powers of, 263, 265, 286, 322,
384, 385, 415, 513.
Salaries of, for collecting
levies, 189, 194, 195, 197,
IO8, 2OO, 201, 206, 443.444,
511, 516-517, 565; see also
counties by name; Collec-
Sherwood, Daniel, 449, 452.
Shingles and Plank, 544.
Shipley, Adam, 53.
Shirts, 88; see also Clothing.
Shlay, Thomas, 400.
Shockby, Charles, 581.
Shockley, Elijah, 582.
John, 582.
Shoes, xl, 88, 544; see also
Short, George, 582.
Shot, 233, 420; see also Arms
and Ammunition.
Shrewsberry Parish (Kent
County), 454.
Shutters (Window), 39.
Sidney, Michael Earle, 55.
Silver Smiths, 544.
Sim, Joseph, 450, 453.
Sinking Fund, ixi, ixiii, 51, 274,
Six Nations (Indians), ixx,
ixxi, 248, 359; see also
Sixtieth or Royal American
Regiment, xxv, 206.
Skeen, George, 580.
Slaughtering and Butchering,
Prohibition of, xxiii, 210.
Slaves, Disabled or Superannu-
ated, see Slaves, Manumis-
sion of, Restrictions on.
Manner of trial of, 14, 23, 65,
91, 93, 106, 116, 175, 183.184.
Manumission of, restrictions
on, 94; see also Negroes;
Sligh, Thomas, 54.
Slings, 122, 123, 124, 341.
Small, Richard, 575.
Robert, 575.
Small Pox, liii, 426-427.
Smallwood, Bayne, 449, 451, 555.
William (Charles County),
xiv, xv, 68, 78, 125, 144, 303,
338; on Comm, of arms and
ammunition, ixix, 76, 122,
309, 340-342; on Comm, to
examine the agents' ac-
counts, 343; sent by the
Lower House, 9, 32, 145,
262, 264, 377, 378; votes,
75, 82, 86, 89, 95, 100, 101,
109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114,
121, 131, 135, 136, 143, 144,
147, 152, 314, 315, 323, 324,
326, 339, 344, 353, 355, 366,
383, 408, 410.
Smith, Mr. —— (Chestertown),
Archabald, 582.
George, 582.
James, 580.
John (Calvert County), 449,
John (Cecil County), 588.
John (Late sheriff, Cecil
County), 51, 273, 406.
Nicholas (Kent County), 555.
William (Kent County), 580.
Snow Hill (Worcester Coun-
ty), liv, 43i, 432.
Snow Hill Warehouse (Worces-
ter County), 298, 450, 453,
Soldiers, Provincial, Arrears of
pay to, xix, xxix, xxxi,
ixiv, ixv, 85, 86, 88, 534.
Discharged, exemptions of,
Expenditures for, xviii,
xxxix, 4, 6, 26, 36, 37, 44,
82, 83, 86, 129, 159, 160, 534,
535, 538.
Pay of, ixv, 82, 83, 85, 86, 159,
160, 218, 312, 535.
Raising of, xix, xx, 4, 5, 7,
26, 81, 121, 535; see also
Four Hundred Men, Rais-
ing of.
Rate of pay of, 88, 535-536.
Reward for bravery of, 400-
Somerset County, 15, 53, 92, 98,
196, 197, 198, 252.
Collector of excise for, 52.
Commissioners of income tax
for, 555-