Point House, 450, 452.
Poll Tax, xlvi, lix, ixv, 286,
409, 469, 470, 471.
Pontiac, x, xxxii, ixx.
Popular Party, see Country
Porch (of the Court House),
Pork, xxiii, 210, 221, 222, 241,
288, 298, 300, 302, 305, 348,
386, 425, 544.
Port Tobacco Creek, 449, 451.
Port Tobacco (Portobacco)
Parish (Charles County),
xxiii, 1, liii, 28, 32, 36, 66,
127, 131, 144, 145, 149, 152,
176, 194.195, 228, 265, 266,
267, 287, 321, 325, 351, 383,
390, 391, 415, 516-517.
Porter, James, 580.
Richard, 580.
Porters Warehouse, 450, 453.
Portobacco, see Port Tobacco.
Potomac River, 225, 256, 303,
308, 371, 417-
Powder (Gunpowder), ixix,
ixxii, 123, 124, 341, 342, 568.
Powder Horns, 122, 123, 341.
Powder House, ixix, 123, 341.
Prather, Col. Thomas, 342, 354,
Pratt, Charles (Attorney gen-
eral of Great Britain), xx,
xxi, xlv, 81, 142, 167.
Prerogative Court, 514.
Prerogative Office, xxv, 125,
203, 204, 208, 430, 515.
Price, William, 576.
Priests, see Jesuits; Papish
Priests; Papists.
Primage, 48.
Prince George's County, 33, 53,
149, I5i, 196, 197, 198, 228,
Clerk of, 52.
Collector of excise for, 275,
Collectors of land tax for, 51,
275, 407.
Commissioners of income tax
for, 555.
Courts of, Act for the ad-
journment and continuance
of, xxiii, io, 12, 13, 65, 77,
79, 80, 84, 85, 178-179, 263,
288, 379, 380, 381, 382, 383,
387, 498 (text).
Delegates of, 68, 78, 84, 290.
Justices of, 47, 263, 286, 378,
379, 381, 385, 413, fii.
Sheriff of, 51, 52, 273, 275,
406, 407, 498.
Prince George's Parish (Prince
George's and Frederick
County), xxvii, li, liii, 33,
149, 151, 228, 321, 325.
Princes Ann, see Princess Ann.
Princess Ann, 449, 451.
Printing, History of, In Colo-
nial Maryland, ixxviii.
Prisoners, Rewards for, 121,
146, 235.
Indian, see Indians.
Languishing, see Debtors.
Private Bills, ix.
Tax on, 154, 270, 385.
Privates, Rate of pay of, 88, 536.
Prizes (machinery), 330, 349,
458, 464.465, 487, 494.
Proceedings, Judicial, Errors
and ommissions in, 504.505.
Processioning of Lands, 105.
Produce of Land, see Crops.
Profits, Tax on, 109.
Proprietary, agent of, 549, 550,
551, 560.
Appeal from, to the King, 140.
Estates of, taxation of, x, xi,
xl, xlii, xliii, xlvi, ixvii, 41,
42, 61, 62, 127, 130, 549, 560.
Grant of land for college by,
Instructions of, to the Gover-
nor, x, 356.
Manors and reserved lands of,
ix, 550, 55i, 552, 560.
Protest against tobacco tax
by, xvii, 74.
Receiver general of, 549, 550.
Right of, to nominate officers,
Right of, to receive certain
fines, xi, xxvi, xxxi, xxxvii,
xxxviii, ixvii, 38, 155, 256,
Salaries to be paid by, ixiv,
Settlement of Pennsylvania
boundary by, 124.
Proprietary Party, xii, xiv-xv,
xix, xxix, xxxix, xl, xli,
xliv, Ivi, ixvi, ixviii, ixxi.
Protestant Purchasers, see
Aliens, Security of Protes-
tant Purchasers From.
Protestants, 264, 266, 562.
Province, Defence and Security
of, 21, 25, 74, 89, 108, 113,
115, 118, 127, 268, 529, 549;
see also Frontiers and
Frontier Defense.
Offices of, Taxation of, 41.
Printer of, 569; see also
Green, Jonas.
Secretary of, xvi, 74, 213.214,
472.474, 520; office (build-
ing) of, 39, 156-
Ticiisuicis u£, 5*8; see ulsu
Western Shore, Treasurer
of; Eastern Shore, Treas-
urer of.
Provinces, Northern, 7, 157, 165.
Southern, 7, 157, 158.
Provincial Court, see Court,
Provincial Office, 39, 155.
Provisions, 4, 6, 8, 49, 160, 161,
162, 209, 543, 568, 577, 578.
Reimbursement for, 87, 543;
see also Soldiers, Provin-
Public Buildings, List of, 278-
Repair of, xxi, 26, 28, 39,
56, 124, 387, 396, 397-398.
Public Houses, see Ordinaries.
Public Offices (Buildings), 14,
23, 34, 66, 90, 93, 106, 117,
134, i75, 185.
Public Records and Papers, Act
for the security of, 38, 154,
260, 266, 362, 374.
Purchasers, Act for Securing
the Estates of, 105, 135,
HP, 153, 259, 305, 357, 375-
Quakers, 13.14, 22.23, 65, go, 92,
106, 116, 134, 174, 179-180,
212, 561; see also Oaths.
Quartering Soldiers, see Billet-
ting of Soldiers.
Queen Anne's County, 24, 27,
34, 53, 66, 94, 96, 107, 117,
125, 146, 175, 190, 196, 197,
198, 236, 355.
Collector of excise for, 275,
Commissioners of income tax
for, 555.
Courts of, Act for the ad-
journment and continuance
of, xxiii, io, 12, 13, 65, 77,
79, 80, 84, 85, 178-179-
Delegates of, 15, 69, 78, 90,
Queen Anne Town (Prince
George's County), 450, 453.
Queen Caroline Parish (Anne
Arundel County), 453.
Quieting Possessions, see Con-
veyances, Act for Enrolling.
Quitrents, xl, lix, 47, 48, 335,
462, 550, 557-
Rain, Damage to buildings
from, 155.
Rains, Extraordinary, 297.
Raisin (Rasin), William, 53, 55,
Raitt, John, 48.
Rally, Isaac, 401.
Randell, Christopher, 53.
Rangers and Ranging, xxxii,
ixviii, ixxi, 159, 277, 410,
412, 414; see also Frontiers
and Frontier Defense.
Rank, Military, xvili, 0.
Rasin, see Raisin.
Razolini, Onorio (Armourer),
Ready Money, xl, 544, 546, 548,
552, 553, 556, 559, 563.
Realph, Mitchell, 582.
Record Books, Cost of, ixxv,
388, 519.