Duff, Simon, 55.
Dukaney, Danl, 582.
Dulaney, see Dulany.
Dulany, Daniel (Upper House),
xiv, xxv, xxix, ixii, 48, 53,
54, 55, 217, 234, 240, 249,
265; on Comm, to repair
the public buildings, 278,
397-398; on conference
committee, 251, 352, 363,
365, 367; sent by the Upper
House, 238, 240, 269, 345,
347, 368, 392.
Walter (Annapolis), xiv,
xxx, ixii, 53, 68, 74, 79, 171,
290, 292, 304, 306, 347, 359,
373, 396, 399, 4"; on
Comm, to draft tobacco in-
spection law, 368; on
Comm, to enquire into .....
a college, ixviii, 307, 316;
on Comm, to enquire into
Green petition, ixxiii, 115;
on Comm, to enquire into
Lusby petition, 331.332; on
Comm, of grievances and
courts of justice, 76, 294;
on Comm, on highway im-
provement, 322; on Comm,
to inspect the Loan Office,
ixiii, 10, 29, 46, 55, 76, 137,
171, 219, 271, 276, 295, 296,
312; on Comm, to inspect
the public buildings, 30, 136,
137; on comm. to repair the
public buildings, 56, 171,
278, 398; sent by the Lower
House, 22, 24, 35, 117, 137,
150, 219, 222, 263, 278, 296,
306, 398, 406; votes, ixviii,
75, 82, 83, 86, 87, 89, ioi,
110, 111, 112, 113, 115, 122,
131, 136, 143, 144, 147, 148,
152, 300, 301, 302, 314, 315,
323, 324, 326, 339, 344, 353,
355, 366, 383, 408, 410.
Dunn, Darius, 54, 576.
Dye, see Deye.
Eareckson, Charles, 575.
Matt, 576.
William, 576.
Earle, Michael (Cecil County),
29, 55, 78, 84, 115, 118, 154,
304, 330; on Comm, to en-
quire into the Paca petition,
320; on Comm, to inspect
the Loan Office, 29, 46, 55,
90, 137, 27i, 306; sent by
the Lower House, 35, 37,
151, 152, 172; votes, 86, 89,
95, 100, ioi, 109, 110, 111,
112, 113, "4, 121, 131, 135,
136, 143, 144, 147, 148, 152,
314, 315, 323, 324, 326.
Richard Tilghman (Queen
Anne's County), 555.
East Jersey, see Jersey, East.
Eastern Neck Island (Kent
County), xxxvii, 236, 243,
261, 264, 266, 289, 340, 376,
378, 387, 508-510.
Eastern Shore, 230, 441.
Treasurer of, xxiii, xxxi, 24,
26, 27, 34, 49, 50, 66, 118,
126, 175, 186, 187, 432, 433;
Treasurer of, see also
Hollyday, James.
Eaton, John (St. Mary's Coun-
ty), 555-
Edgar, Reverend Samuel, 55.
Edmondson, James, 54.
Joshua, 191, 192, 450, 452.
(Edmonson, Edmunson), Pol-
lard (Talbot County), 9,
71, in, 115, 127, 133, 290,
303, 321, 328, 332, 340, 368,
369, 383; on Comm, of elec-
tions and privileges, 75,
294; sent by the Lower
House, 34, 146, 174, 319,
391; votes, 75, 82, 83, 86,
87, 89, 95, ioi, 100, 110,
111, 112, 113, 115, 131, 136,
143, 144, 147, 148, 152, 300,
301, 302, 314, 315, 322, 324,
326, 344, 345, 353, 355, 366,
408, 410.
Solomon, 53.
Edmonson, see Edmondson.
Edmunson, see Edmondson.
Eglistone, Abraham, 401.
Egremont, Earl of, xiii, xviii,
xix, xx, xxxix, xiv, xlvi,
4, 7, 8, 18, 70, 77, 81, 99,
102, 139, 142, 170,534, 537;
see also Great Britain, Sec-
retary of State of.
Eighty-Four Men, xxxix, xli,
xlii, xliv, ixvii, ixviii, 1 8,
25, 45, ioo, 102, 121, 128,
146, 152, 537, 538.
Elder, Alexander, 54.
James, 54.
Election, Writs of, xvi, 74, 79,
293, 343.
Elections, see Election, Writs
Elizabethtown, see Hagerstown.
Elk Ridge Landing, Town at,
xxvii, xxxiii, 29, 138, 266,
269, 307, 323, 333, 351, 379.
383, 388, 393.
Elk Ridge Landing Warehouse,
xxiv, 16, 35, 36, 66, 96, 97,
126, 130, 150, 151, 153, 176,
202, 298, 449, 451, 453; see
also Janssen Town.
Ellis, Joseph, 582.
Elliss, Edward, 582.
Joseph, Jr., 582.
Stephen, 582.
Elsey, Arnal, 582.
Emerson, Philip, 449, 452.
Emersons Warehouse (Talbot
County), xxiv, 27, 35, 37,
66, 127, 131, 150, 151, 153,
176, 202, 255, 298, 330, 337,
449, 452, 496; see also Max-
well's Warehouse.
Emmett, Captain, 399.
Enemy, see France.
England, Common law of, xliv,
Loyalty of people of Mary-
land to, 60, 102, 142, 173.
English Law, Insistence on, xvii,
72, 73.
English Liberties, see Rights of
Enlisting Money (Paid to offi-
cers for inducing men to
enlist), xxxix, xl, 18, 88,
ioo, 102, 536, 537, 538; see
also Bounties.
Enlistments, Act for the En-
couragement of, 48, 49, 93,
97, 273> see also Bounties.
Ennalls, Henry, Jr., 450, 452.
Ensigns, Rate of pay of, 88, 536.
Ensor, John, Jr., 201.
Errors and Omissions, see Pro-
ceedings, Judicial.
Espontoons, 122.
Estates, Real and Personal, xi,
xx, xxxix, xli, 21, 25, 45,
57, 89, 104, 108, 113, US,
1 1 8, 480, 525, 529.
Assessment of, 545.
List of, to be prepared by
chief person, 545-546.
Place of taxation of, 559.
Examiner General, Fees of, 479,
Excise, Collectors of, ixi, ixii,
51, 52, 53, 172. 275, 276;
see also counties by name.
Executions, Stay of, Act for,
151, 154.
Expiring Laws, see Lower
House, Committee on Ex-
piring Laws.
Factors, xl, 109, 545, 546, 547,
552, 553, 554.
Falkoners Warehouse (Kent
County), 329, 337-
Falls, The (Jones' Falls), 450,
Farming, 334, 348.
Farrel, Daniel, 580.
Fees, 56, 362, 445, 469, 470, 471,
Of Officers, Schedule of, ix,
xxxi, lix, ix, 472.480; see
also officials by titles.
Act for the Limitation of, see
also Tobacco, Staple of, Act
for Amending.
Fellfoot Enlarged (Land), 204.
Felony, 436, 505, 528.
Fences, Height of, act ascertain-
ing, 221, 222, 241, 288, 208,
300, 303, 305, 348, 386, 424.