The Upper House. 59
made against a Bill in 1758. But why not at this time have you any
persuasive powers in your House at present to which the former
Lower Houses were Strangers, We have hither to seen nothing of
the Kind or are there any late Circumstances without Doors which
may render this time more unfavourable to our Supporting his
Majestys Rights against the Usurpation, and the People from
Oppression, than Existed during the last meeting of the Lower
House, perhaps the War with Spain may by you be Considered as
an Additional Advantage towards pushing your favourite points and
Induce you to wonder that at this time you do not give up every thing
U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
April 24
to obtain a Little Money from [sic] for his Majestys Service, But
in what ever light you may view this Circumstance We cannot think
our selves Justifiable either to his Majesty Our Consciences or your
Constituents, in giving up his prerogatives and by Subverting our
present Constitution Introduce the Numberless Evils Consequent
upon all the powers of Government being lodged in our hands for
so Comparatively triveal a Consideration but what kind of Loyalty
or even patriotism mout [sic] that be which amongst the distresses of
a heavy War with Severall powerfull Enemies can not only with its
assistance to the Common Cause, but still calm and unconcerned at
Impending Ruin and the Contempt of our fellow Subjects, by an
obstinate Adherence to the Same unwarrantable plan now a ninth
time found unsuccessfull not withstanding his Majestys threatned
displeasure for such Behavour unless such assistance shall be pur-
chased at the Extravigant price of his Majesty's prerogatives and
the Peoples Liberties thrown into your Hands by this favourite
and unconstitutional Bill such is the nature of your Loyalty or
patriotism and such has been and is the real Concern of the Lower
House to raise Supplies for his Majestys Service in these times
Imminent distress and Danger to our Mother Country our fellow
Subjects and Our Selves
Why Gentlemen should you think it Strange that we should Adhere
to Our Objections made to a like Bill in 1758. and give the Little
regard you have shewn to those Objections as a reason for our being
Confirmed in an opinion that there was no probability of the Houses
coming to an Agreement upon the present Bill and sending it down
as you Express it our Selves with a flatt Negative If those Objections
p. 90
were Insignificant, or not Applicable to the present Bill Surely you
might have shewn them in One or other of these lights; and if
Material and applicable to the present Bill, why should we not adhere
to them, will the length of time Since the Lower House was ac-
quainted with them lessen their force or will not rather that length
of time and the repeated disregard to them render the Obstinate
adherence of the Lower House to the same faulty plan the more
Inexcesable But you tell us we might have Observed that in the
forming this Bill the foundations for many of those Objections,
p. 91