That your Petitioner hath been a long time Confin'd in the Goal
aforesaid for Debt, by which he is rendered unable not only to Satisfy
his Creditors, But also to provide for the Support of himself and
Family and is really an object of your Compassion
Your Petitioner therefore Humbly Prays you would take his
Melancholy Case into Consideration and Pass such an Act for his
Relief, as to your Honours in your great Wisdom shall seem meet
and your Petitioner as in duty Bound will ever pray &c
John Smith
We the subscribers Justices of Cecil County Court are Credibly
informed that the Allegations in the above petition are true and
recommend him to your Honours Compassion
Elihu Hall
Nich.o Hyland
And:w Pearce
B Moody
Benj:a Chew
Geo: Catto
Notice is hereby Given that I intend to apply to the next General
Assembly (being Confin'd in Cecil County Goal) for Relief
John Smith
March 1762
Caecil County
in to wit
These are to Certifie all whom it doth shall or may concern that
the Original Writing whereof the above is a true Copy was affixed
to the front Door of the Public Court House upon Elk River in
Cecil County aforesaid this twenty seventh Day of March in the
Year of our Lord Christ One thousand seven hundred sixty
and two
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and affixed
the Public Seal of Cecil County aforesaid the Day and Year last