vincial Magistrate, shall immediately cause the said Bond to be proved
before them or him, by the Witnesses thereto, and shall forthwith
indorse the Probate on the Back thereof, and transmit the said Bond
to the Clerk of the Provincial Court, who shall immediately record
the same Bond and Indorsement aforesaid, in the Provincial Land-
Records; and after Entry thereof upon Record, the said Clerk shall
deliver the original Bond to the Register of the Chancery Court,
to be by him safely kept in the Chancery Office; and an attested
Copy of the said Bond and Probat from the said Provincial Records,
in Case the Original be lost or destroyed, shall be as good Evidence
in Law, to maintain an Action of Debt for the Breach of the Con-
dition thereof, to all Intents and Purposes, as if the said Bond or
Bonds were actually produced and proved in Court.
LXXXIX. And be it further Enacted, That the said respective
Collectors shall pay to the Commissioners or Trustees, for Emitting
the Bills of Credit established by Act of Assembly, the total Amount
of the Sums charged on the said Certificates of Assessment (the
Deductions and Allowances hereafter mentioned, being first made)
by the Twenty-fifth Day of December thereafter. And each Col-
lector shall appear at his respective County Court-House the First
Monday of November, in the Year last aforesaid, and then and there
lay before the respective Commissioners, a fair, clear and regular
Account of his Collection of the Rates, Duties and Assessments,
imposed by this Act; and the said Commissioners shall appear at the
same Time and Place, under the Penalty of Fifty Pounds Current
Money each Commissioner for not appearing: And they, or any
Two of them, or One, in case the other Two should die, or be
otherwise rendered incapable to discharge the Duties enjoined by
this Act, shall immediately proceed with the Collector to settle and
adjust his said Account, and shall upon such Settlement, allow to the
said Collector, a Commission of Two Pounds Ten Shillings per
Centum, on the Whole by him collected, or for which he or they
shall judge him to be answerable, and shall not allow him for any
Insolvencies or Deductions of any Part of the said Sums mentioned
in the said Certificates of Assessment, except in Cases where it shall
be made appear to them or him, he shall have used all lawful Ways
and Means for the levying and collecting the same; a Certificate
under his or their Hands and Seals, of the Ballance of which Account,
so settled and adjusted, the said Commissioner or Commissioners
shall, by the First Day of December, in the Year last aforesaid,
inclose and endorse, For his Lordship's Service (which the said
Commissioner or Commissioners are hereby impowered to do) and
deliver to the Sheriffs of their respective Counties, to be by them
forwarded as publick Letters are by Law directed to be forwarded,
and under the like Penalty, to the Commissioners or Trustees afore-
said. And upon Failure of the Payment, above directed to be made
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