also for paying out, disbursing and disposing of all other Monies,
raised and appropriated by this Act, where it is not otherwise herein
XXXVI. And be it further Enacted, That the Agents aforesaid
shall, and they are hereby required to pay to the Order or Orders
of any Person or Persons, properly authorized to receive the same,
indorsed on the Receipts of the several Officers of the said Five
Hundred Men, to whom General Forbes may have advanced Money,
for Pay, Cloathing, and other Necessaries for the said Men, any
Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding in the Whole, Three Thou-
sand Pounds Current Money of this Province.
XXXVII. And the said Agents, on the Order or Orders of the
said Person or Persons appointed to receive the same, indorsed on
the Receipt or Receipts of Doctor David Ross, for any Sum or Sums,
not exceeding in the Whole, the Sum of Two Thousand Seven
Hundred Pounds Fifteen Shillings and Eight-pence Sterling, which
Sum was advanced by General Forbes to the said Doctor David Ross,
towards victualling the aforesaid Five Hundred Men, shall pay off
p. 27
such Order or Orders, in the Bills of Credit aforesaid, at the Current
Exchange, at the Time of Payment.
XXXVIII. Provided always, and be it Enacted, That the Agents
aforesaid, shall not pay out any Monies for, or on Account of the
Pay, Subsistence, Cloathing, or any other Necessaries whatever,
found, provided, or advanced for, or on Account of the said Five
Hundred Men, or any Part of them, except what is herein before
directed to be paid to the Order of the Person or Persons aforesaid,
before they shall have clear, fair and particular Accounts laid before
them by the said Officers, and the said Doctor David Ross, of the
Application and Disbursements of the said Sums of Money, so as
aforesaid to them respectively advanced by his Excellency General
Forbes, and of all their Claims of every Kind whatsoever, against
this Province, on Account of the said Five Hundred Men, and shall
carefully have inspected, examined and adjusted, such Claims and
Accounts, agreeable to the Rates, Wages and Allowances, given and
made by the Act of Assembly, by which the said Five Hundred Men
were taken into the Pay of this Province; nor shall the said Agents
pay to the said Officers, or any of the said Men, or the said Doctor
David Ross, any greater or larger Sum or Sums of Money, than
shall or may appear to be due to them respectively, deducting the
said Sums so advanced by General Forbes as aforesaid, out of their
respective Claims aforesaid, after being adjusted, as aforesaid.
XXXIX. And be it further Enacted, That if it shall properly be
made appear, that the Residue of the Money due for, or on Account
of the Pay, Subsistence and Cloathing of the said Five Hundred
Men, or any Part thereof, has been paid by any Person or Persons.