Appendix. 535
State, and his Excellency Sir Jeffery Amherst, Commander in Chief
of his Majesty's Forces in North-America, it appears that our most
gracious Sovereign has nothing so much at Heart, as to secure and
improve the great and important Advantages gained since the Com-
mencement of this War in North-America, and having seen his
good Dispositions to restore the public Tranquility entirely frus-
trated, thinks nothing can so effectually contribute to the great and
essential Object of reducing the Enemy to the Necessity of accept-
ing a Peace, on Terms of Glory and Advantage to his Majesty's
Crown, and beneficial, in particular, to his Subjects in America, as
his being enabled to employ, as immediately as may be, such Part
of the Regular Forces in North-America, as may be adequate to
some great and important Enterprize against the Enemy: His
Majesty therefore has required of this Province, as large a Body
of Men to be raised, with all possible Dispatch, as the Number
and Situation of its Inhabitants may allow; and as his Majesty
has been pleased to signify, that the whole he requires, is the Levy-
ing, Cloathing and Pay of the Men so to be raised, and that no
Encouragement may be wanting to the fullest Exertion of our Force,
strong Recommendations will also be made to Parliament in their
Sessions next Year, to grant a proper Compensation for such Ex-
pences as may be incurred thereby, according as our active Vigour
and strenuous Efforts may justly appear to merit: In order therefore,
to answer his Majesty's Royal Expectations, we do pray that it
may be Enacted.
XXIV. And be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord
Proprietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's
Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same, That the Sum of Fourteen Thousand Six
Hundred and thirteen Pounds, or as much thereof as may be neces-
sary, shall be applied to the Levying, Cloathing and Paying of Four
Hundred Men, Officers included, to be employed in North-America,
under the supreme Command of his Excellency General Amherst,
or any other Person duly authorized, in such Manner as he shall
judge most conducive to the said important Purposes of defending
this Part of his Majesty's Dominions, and securing the Possession
of his Conquests in North-America, until the Frst Day of April,
in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty-
three, and no longer, unless his Majesty's Commander in Chief, or
other Person properly authorised, shall think fit to dismiss the
said Men, or any Part of them, before that Time, which said
Men shall be paid by Muster-Rolls, to be taken and returned in
the same Manner as is used and practised among his Majesty's
Regular Forces, after the following Rates; That is to say, To four
Captains, each having the Command of Ninety-nine Men (Officers
included) Ten Shillings per Day; To eight Lieutenants, each Six
p. 22