452 Assembly Proceedings, October 4-November 26, 1763.
Liber H. S.
No. 1
Bridge and on the Land late of Thomas Maddox below the Mouth
of Back Creek five thousand six hundred Pounds of Tobacco to
each Inspector, On great Annemessex on the Land of Outerbridge
Horsey on Colebournes Creek at a Place called the Old Town and
on Pocomoke River at Rehoboth Town five thousand six hundred
Pounds of Tobacco to each Inspector, on Wiccomico River at the
Ware House near Green Hill Town & at the Head of Baron Creek
on Nanticoke River on the Land of William Brown five thousand
six hundred Pounds of Tobacco to each Inspector, In Talbot County
at Kings Town on the Lotts of William Gale and William Wilson
five Thousand six hundred Pounds of Tobacco to the Inspector at
Parsons Landing on the Land of James Lloyd five Thousand six
hundred Pounds of Tobacco to the Inspector at the late Philip
Emersons Landing six Thousand four hundred Pounds of Tobacco
to each Inspector At Thomas Bruffs Landing on Miles River four
thousand eight hundred Pounds of Tobacco to each Inspector At
Daniel Sherwoods Landing on Broad Creek three thousand two
hundred Pounds of Tobacco to each Inspector At Oxford on the
Lott late of Richard Gildart five thousand four hundred and forty
Pounds of Tobacco to each Inspector, Provided that the Inspector
of the Warehouse at Daniel Sherwoods Landing be not Obliged to
Attend at the said Warehouse more than four days in every Week,
In Dorchester County at the late David Melvills Warehouse eight
Thousand eight hundred Pounds of Tobacco to the Inspector at
Hunting Creek Warehouse ten thousand four hundred Pounds of
Tobacco to the Inspector on the North East side of the North West
fork of Nanticoke above Cratchers ferry four thousand Pounds of
Tobacco to the Inspector At the late Henry Ennalls Junior his
Warehouse at Choptank Ferry nine thousand six hundred Pounds
of Tobacco to the Inspector At Edward Whites Warehouse on little
Choptank nine Thousand six hundred Pounds of Tobacco to the
Inspector At Plymouth Warehouse on fishing Creek four Thousand
eight hundred Pounds of Tobacco to the Inspector at Vienna Town
on the Land of Joshua Edmondson four Thousand eight Hundred
Pounds of Tobacco to the Inspector In Baltimore County at Balti-
more Town on the West Side of the falls nine thousand six hundred
Pounds of Tobacco to each Inspector At Joppa at the Ferry Land-
ing near the Point house on Gun Powder River and at the Fork
of Gun Powder at the Old Landing under one and the same In-
p. 465
spection and to Attend each Warehouse three days in every Week
six thousand four hundred Pounds of Tobacco to each Inspector
At Otter Point Landing near the red Clift on Bush River six
thousand four hundred Pounds of Tobacco to each Inspector At
John Loneys at Swan Creek and at Rock run on Susquehannah
River six Thousand four hundred Pounds of Tobacco to each In-
spector In Cecil County at Frederick Town with George Town on