House for the Defence and Security of the Inhabitants who were
at that time exposed to the Ravages of a Savage Enemy, We are
of Opinion that such an Appropriation is not to be allowed nor
such Militia paid otherwise than is Particularly directed by the
Militia Law lest by consenting to their being paid in any other
manner we should seem to countenance the very Extraordinary
Resolves which the Lower House presumed in violation of Com-
mon sense to make when in the year 1758 they seemed to have
nothing so much at heart as to render this Province entirely de-
fenseless, tho your Excellencys Firmness and Resolution happily
frustrated their attempts besides the two Sums we. have Mentioned
there was £3,000 to be appropriated towards reimbursing those
Gentlemen who were put to some expence by providing Necessary's
for such of the Kings Forces as were in the year 1756, & 1757,
sent hither for Winter Quarters, but as there is still remaining in the
loan Office and in the Agents hands more than £2000, of the
Money that was granted here in 1756, for his Majesty's Service the
Persons most of whom are Gentlemen in this City who have Claims
on Account of Those Troops being quartered here may have been
Satisfied had an Act for granting the Sum of £15,000, being now
Passed since that Sum as hath been already hinted is Considerably
more than would on the Gentlemens own Calculation have been Suffi-
U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
April 24