The Lower House. 325
To the 23d this house unanimously doth not agree
To the 24.th this house doth not agree
To the 25.th 26,th 27.th 28. th 29, th 30, th 31.st 32,d 33.d this house
doth not agree
To the first part of the 34.th this house doth not agree
To the latter part of the 34,th this house doth agree relative to the
Suppression of Cha.s Town. Warehouse
To the 35.th this house doth not agree.
On Motion Resolved, that this house do proceed on the Morrow
Morning, after call of the house, on a further consideration of the
Remarks on the Inspection Law, made by the upper house.
The house Adjourned untill the Morrow Morning 9, of the Clock
L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
Oct. 19
Thursday 20, th Oct.r 1763.
The house met according to Adjournment, the Members were
called and all appeared as yesterday. Except M.r H. Hall.
The proceedings were read
The petition of the Vestry and Church Wardens of St Stephens
parish in Caecil County north Sassafras was read and leave given to
bring in a Bill.
Ordered that Mr Earle and M.r Hanson do prepare & bring in
a Bill.
On reading the 2d time the petition of the Vestry & Church Ward-
ens of S.t Anns Parish in Annle County praying leave to levy on each
of the taxable Inhabitants in one year twenty pounds of Tobacco to
be applied towards repairing the Chappie of Ease and eight pounds
of Tobacco on each taxable annually for the Support of an Organist
Oct. 20
Ordered that the Said petition be Rejected
The petition of the Rector, Vestrymen, Church Wardens and
Sundry the Inhabitants of prince Georges parish, in ffrederick and
prince Georges County, praying leave to bring in a Bill to levy on
the taxable Inhabitants of said parish 70000.lb of Tobacco by two
Assessments, to build a Chappie of Ease, was read the Second time.
Ordered that the said petition be rejected.
The petition of the Rector, Vestrymen and Church Wardens of
port Tobacco parish praying a Supplementary Act to raise an Addi-
tional Assement of 2.lb of Tobacco on the taxable Inhabitants of said
parish, for the better Support of an Organist was read the Second
Ordered, that the said petition be Rejected.
The Order of the day being read; the house took into further
consideration the Remarks made by the Upper house on the Inspec-
tion Law;
p. 126