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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1762-1763
Volume 58, Page 316   View pdf image (33K)
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316 Assembly Proceedings, October 4-November 26, 1763.

L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
Oct. 15

That there be a Clause to make good title to the Ground against
all Claims whatsoever.
That King William's School, as soon as the College is erected,
be made fit for the Assembly, by Direction of Commissioners to be
named in the Bill.

That the Visitor in each County, and such other Persons as the
Visitors or managers aforesaid may appoint, shall take Subscriptions,
and Sell Ticketts & Account with the above Visitors

Taxes proposed Ordinary Licences ...................... £600
Wheel Carriages ..................................... 250
Wine not from Great Britain ...........................
Card tables ........10s ............................... 50
Billiard tables ....................................... 40
Calverts Donation .................................... 40
Batchelors tax, Value £300, to 500 .................. 15s/
500 and upwards ................................ 25s/

On Motion leave given to bring in a Bill for erecting a Colledge
in the City of Annapolis
Ordered that Mr J. Tilghman Mr Johnson M.r J. Hall Mr Dulany
Mr Hanson Mr Murdock Mr Ringgold Mr Key Mr Hammond &
Mr Hayward do prepare and bring in a bill accordingly.

John Ridout Esq.r from the Upper house delivers to Mr Speaker
the Bill Entd an Act continuing An Act Entd an Act to prevent
persons from Secreting boats flats & other Vessels drove by Stress
of Weather from Landings & Moorings.

p. 116

The Bill Ent.d an Act continuing an Act Entd an Act to prevent
Masters of Ships & Vessels from clandestinely carrying Servants &
Slaves or persons indebted out of this Province
The Bill Ent.d An Act continuing an Ast Entd a Supplementary
Act to the Act Entd an Act for the relief of Creditors in England
against Bankrupts who have imported Goods into this Province not
accounted for.
And the Bill Entd an Act continuing an Act Entd an Act for
relieving the Inhabitants of this Province from some aggrievances
in the prosecution of Suits at Law and for continuing the Supple-
mentary Act thereto. Severally Indorsed by the Upper house of
Assembly Oct.r 1763. Read the first time and Ordered to lye
on the Table and thus By the Upper house of Assembly Octr
1763. Read the Second time & will pass
Signed p Order J. Ross. Cl. Up. ho.

Which bills were severally Read here & passed for Ingrossing.

His Excellency the Governor Communicated to Mr Speaker the
following Message (Vizt)

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1762-1763
Volume 58, Page 316   View pdf image (33K)
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