284 Assembly Proceedings, October 4-November 26, 1763.
U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
Nov. 26
the Bill you had thought fit to frame for paying the Militia, and
some other Publick Claimants, Common Justice to such Claimants
made Us recommend it to You to replace in the Journal their Several
Accounts or Allowances, in Order that they may not be in a Worse
State than other Publick Creditors for had the two Houses agreed
to pass the Journal and thereupon a Levy Bill in the usual Form
had been enacted into a Law such Militia and other Creditors instead
of having a preferance would otherwise have had reason to complain
of the greatest partiality and Injustice If you are for your parts of
Opinion that it would be mispending time at Present to make such
Additions to the Journal as we recommended, we do not blame You
for declining it, nor would we advise you to make them at any future
Session, unless you shall at the same time resolve to make M.r Ross
the Usual Allowance for the Services as Clerk of the Council, since
it is the Determined Resolution of this House never to pass any
Journal without it, The Omission of a Single Claim so just as this,
established on the most reasonable Grounds, and constantly allowed
ever since the Resolution at least, and we believe ever since the first
settlement of our Constitution, was enough to make Us suspect other
Omissions, and on a cursory perusal of it we found our Suspicions
were not without foundation, as would be made appear to you was
the Journal to be again sent Us for a Proper and care full Examina-
tion, and we are apt to think we should than discover likewise that
not a few Claims are foisted in which ought not in reason to be ad-
p. 192
mitted; but as we expected on a full and accurate Examination we
did not choose to discover many more particularly a few Omissions
that were obvious lest you should thence conclude it would pass when
they alone were rectified. We do not affect ignorance of the Refusal
of the Lower House in 1756. to make M.r Ross the Usual Allowance,
and we also heard of the Vote you had passed this Session relative
thereto, but however obligatory you may consider such Votes, You
must not imagine they will have the least Weight with this House
unless you can convince Us of their being reasonable and consistent
with Justice, which is by no means the Case on the Present Occasion,
If Gentlemen you can shew Us any Presedent of a Clerk of the
Council, appearing before the Committee of Lower House or deliver-
ing them an Account to shew by what Particular Services he had
earned the Tobacco annually allowed them on the Journal, We will
recommend it to M.r Ross to make you out a Bill of Particulars but
if no such Presedent can be produced to countenance Your Requisi-
tion, We are not dispossed at this time to suffer such Innovations, or
gratify the Curiossity you have to know on what Particular Business
the Gentlemen of the Council have from time to time been called
together or consulted, How much the Money annually collected in this
Province for the Support of Government might amount to, We do
not exactly know, But we believe it is far short of what you Would