the Defence thereof, and of the Expences of Carriages and Pro-
visions for Such Persons and of Such as have been put to the
Expences of Quartering his Majesty's Regular Forces within this
Province and other necessary Expences during the late War thus
By the Lower House of Assemble Nov.r 1763
Read the first time and ordered to lye on the Table
Signed p Order MMacnemara Clk. Lo. Ho.
By the Lower House of Assembly 22d Nov.r 1763
Read the Second time and will pass
Signed p Order MMacnemara Clk. Lo. Ho.
Read the Bill Entituled An Act for the better regulating Attach-
ments and ordered a further Reading at the next session of Assembly
Adjourned till 3 of the Clock in the afternoon
Eodem Die Post Meridiem
This house met again according to Adjournment
Present as in the Morning
An Engrossed Bill from the Lower House by Hanson &
Plater Entituled An Act to impower the Justices of Charles County