Doct.r George Steuart & Rob.t Lloyd acquaint his Excellency that
there are a Sufficient Number of Members met to make a House and
wait his Excellency's Commands
Stephen Bordley and John Ridout Esquires are sent to acquaint
the Lower House that His Excellency requires their attendance in the
Upper House immediately.
The Lower House attend and His Excellency is pleased to make
the following Speech
Gentlemen of the Upper and Lower House of Assembly
The unexampled Successes with which his Majesty's vigorous Mea-
sures were Blessed, during the Course of the late War, having Since
I had last an Opportunity of Addressing myself to you in your
Legislative Capacity, enabled Him to restore Peace to his People, on
Terms of Glory and great Advantage; Terms particularly calculated
for the future Security and Prosperity of these Colonies, I cannot
open this Session without Congratulating you on that happy Event,
as Well as on the auspicious Birth of a Prince of Wales, under
Whom your Posterity may enjoy the innumerable Blessings, We,
in common, with the Rest of His Majesty's Subjects, at this Period,
derive from the propitious Reign of the Best of Sovereigns.
I have been induced, Gentlemen, to convene you at this Time, by
an Opinion that you would be glad to have an Opportunity, before
the Expiration of our Inspection Law, of Considering what farther
Amendments to that Act it might be expedient to make for the better
Advancement of our Staple, and by what other Means, consistent
with the Laws of Great Britain, the Whole Trade of this Province
might be Encouraged and Promoted, You will also, I presume.
p. 105