Measure, which they should be of Opinion, would, in it's Conse-
quences, tend to subvert the Constitution, or sacrifice one Part of
the Inhabitants to the Caprice and Humour of the Rest. You will, I
L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
April 23
hope, Gentlemen, excuse the Liberty I take in just mentioning my
Opinion of this Matter, nor think it assuming in me either to judge
for Myself, or to intimate my Sentiments; it would indeed, be a
little hard, if I alone, in such a Government as this, where every
Subject thinks he has a Right to speak his Sentiments on every
Matter, should be debarred the Liberty of thinking and judging of
the Expediency or Propriety of any Scheme whatever, or be more
afraid to communicate my Thoughts, than if I was at Venice under
Awe of their State Inquisitors. Happy in knowing by Experience,
that the Commission I have the Honour to bear, was given me by
one who wishes not to make any Encroachments on the Liberties or
Privileges of others, and conscious of the Uprightness of my own
Intentions, I can venture to appeal to my Conduct for my Justifica-
tion: This being the Case, I can Read, without the least Emotion,
those Parts of your Address, which Discontent and Disappointment
seem to have dictated, nor shall I take any Notice of your ungenteel
Language. If the Ministry have done nothing in Consequence of
the Information I took the Liberty to give Mr. Pitt, when I inti-
mated to him, that I was afraid no Supplies for the King's Service
would be granted in this Province, unless his Majesty should be
pleased to have the Dispute thoroughly examined into and finally
settled, Can you, with the least Appearance of Justice, lay the Blame
at my Door, or whether I am supposed to have concealed from his
Majesty's Ministers the Transactions of the House of Delegates, or
to have sent the Ministry a full Account of the Proceedings of that
House, contained in their own Journals, will you, in either Case,
take Offence at my Behaviour? If, for the Information of the
Secretary of State, I had, with the Bill, transmitted that Message
only, wherein the Gentlemen of the Upper House had particularized
their Objections to it, I should indeed have acted disingenously, but
in sending also the Answer of the Lower House to that Message,
together with the Reply, I gave the fairest and fullest Information
concerning the Dispute between the two Houses that it was possible
for me to give, nor do I think you could have said his Majesty or
his Ministers would have determined on an ex parte Representation,
had the Determination been upon mature Consideration of the Bill
and those Messages; unless it can be supposed that those who framed
the Bill, would not, when they were justifying or defending it, say
every Thing they could urge on Behalf of their favourite Offspring.
But, you are pleased to ask, "Have they determined the Disputes?
Has any Thing ever been laid before us, pointing out in Terms
precise and explicit that Branch of the Legislature which is charged
with Obstinacy in adhering to their former Conduct?" And pray,
p. 76