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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1762-1763
Volume 58, Page 165   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 165

now with them; and the Troops from North-Carolina were in Readi-
ness to go, but were prevented by Letters from the Commanding
Officer there, on the Arrival of a Regiment of 1000 Men from
Europe, so that they did not then stand in Need of them; there is
an Instance in Point in the very next Province, who were likewise
to have made up their Quota of Troops to 400 Men, if they were
found Necessary, for that Service in South-Carolina. But further to
illustrate this Point, let them reflect, that the Provincial Troops in the
more Northern Provinces, that is, those of New-Hampshire, Massa-
chusetts-Bay, Rhode-Island, Connecticut, and the Jerseys, have for
3 Years last past been serving in the Province of New- York: There
was an Attempt about 18 Months ago to have restrained Part of
those Troops within certain Bounds, to serve particular Purposes,
although they never thought of carrying that Point so far as to
restrain them within their own Province, and the Moment that
Intention appeared, the Ministry immediately interposed, and no
such Measures have been attempted since. Although the Prerogative
is undisputed every where, I have thought it necessary to mention
these few Instances in their Neighbourhood, to shew them the
Singularity both of their Opinion and Proceedings; the Consequence
of which I foresaw, and mentioned in a former Letter, and warned
them of in the Letter I had the Honour to write you of the Effects
such a Measure would have, not only to throw open the Frontiers
of their own Province, but to open a Door to the Enemy in the very
Heart of his Majesty's Dominions in North-America: As this is
the fair State of the Affair, I cannot Doubt that those Gentlemen,
on considering coolly on the Affair, will, from their Care for the
Preservation of the Lives and Properties of their Fellow-Subjects,
from their Zeal for the Common Cause of all North-America, and
their Duty to the King, propose such an Act as is not only agreeable
to the Instructions, but agreeable to our happy Constitution of Gov-
ernment in the British Dominions, without attempting to make
Alterations in it, at a Time when the Enemy are taking every
Advantage that can be drawn from any little Jars that may happen
in any of the Provinces of his Majesty's extensive Dominions on
this Continent, which are therefore Things every Man, who is a

L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
April 23

real Lover of his Country, will to the utmost avoid. As to the
Dispute of what Province Fort Cumberland belongs to, 'tis a Thing
I never heard disputed, but by all Men I have met with, was deemed
to be in Maryland; but be that as it will, 'tis of no Consequence,
nor has it any Thing to do in this Affair, nor had I the least In-
tention of loading Maryland, or easing any other Province, by send-
ing the Provincial Troops of Maryland to it; and in my Orders at
that Time, I shewed the greatest Attention to Maryland, in employ-
ing the Whole of the Troops raised by them in covering their
Frontiers, and securing the Inlets into their Country, when I actually

p. 74

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1762-1763
Volume 58, Page 165   View pdf image (33K)
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