Volume 57, Page 63 View pdf image (33K) |
Provincial Court Proceedings, 1666, 63 Then the Cryer made Proclamacon saying Liber FF Yow Good men that be impannelld to enquire for the Rigt Honble the Lord Proprietary for the Body of this Prouince answere to yor names euery man at the first Call upon paine and perill that shall fall thereon Then the Grand Jury was called by theire names Who appeared [p. 294] & answered thereto which are as followeth Foreman Wm Bretton John Bayley Thomas Phillips George Marshall Henry Parker Henry Hare Thomas Paggett James Veitch Demetrius Cartwright Tho: Studd Fran: Swinfeild John Grammer John Powick Sam. Prickloue They all being sworne The Charge was giuen them wth the Indictmt and the depositiones of the wittnesses excepting Nico Gosha who declared what he knew therein before the Jury departed The Grand Jury returnes into Court and deliuers in the bill (uizt) Billa Vera Endorced on the back side The Jurors for the Rigt Honble the Lord Propr doe prsent that To be Francis Carpenter of Choptanck riuer in Talbott County the 20th day January 1665 att the plantacon of him the said Carpentr in (uizt) p Choptanck riuer in Talhott County aforesaid, by force and Armes an Assault on Samuell Youngman serut to him the sd Carpentr did make, and wth a Certaine Stick wch the said Carpenter then and there in his right hand did hold a Certaine mortall wound of the breadth of two fingers and One finger depth being in shape three pointed did giue, and that the said Fran: Carpenter The Grand Jury dismist Then the Cryer made Proclamacon for any prson that had any Eui- dence to giue in agst the Prisoner to doe it forthwth Noe more prsons appearing The Prisoner being sett to the Barre and askt Whether Guilty of [p. 295] the felony whereof he stands indebted or not Guilty, Answered Not Guilty being askt how hee would be tryed, Answered by God and the Country Sherriffe returnes the names of the Petty Jury (uizt) Foreman Tho: Hinson Tho: Hatton John Ringould Wm MoffettGeo: Beckwith Tho: South Wm Groome Abra: Rowse Timo Gooddridge Jno Floyd Samp: waring Tho: Edmunds Yow good men that be impannelld to Enquire between the Rigt Honble the Lord Propr and the Prisoner att the Barr answere to yor names euery man at the first call upon paine & perill that shall fall thereon |
Volume 57, Page 63 View pdf image (33K) |
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