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6o Provincial Court Proceedings, 1666. Liber FF Wee the Jury abouesaid hauing ueiwed the Corps of Samuell Youngman & findeing a depression in the Craneum in one place and another wound where all the musculous flesh was Corrupted and wthall finding Corrupted blood betweene the dura mater the pia mater & the braines, besides seuerall other bruses both in the head and the body, therefore or uerdict is that for want of Carefull looking after the aforesd Wounds in the head were the Cause of his death Tho: Goddard Chir. foreman The deposition of Henry Wharton aged 24 yeares or thereabouts sworne & examined saith That being att Fran: Carpenters howse that day that his seruant samuell youngman was buried yor Depont saw the said Carpenter lay him out and tye his toes, and when he was soe doeing hee saw one of his Eares bleed, and yor depont asked how his Eare came to bleed, and the said Carpenter answered that he had giuen him a philip on the Eare and he said that the boy had a dizeness in the head that caus'd him to haue such falls whereby he killed himself e, and yor depont askt him wether he were troubled wth tht dizeness before the said Carpenter had broke his head and he said that he had it long before & further saith notHen: wharton H his marke Juratr Coram Curia Ta!bottVera Copie Tho: Vaughan Clk. 20mo March 1666 [p. 290] february 20th 1665 The deposition of Edward Fuller aged 25 yeares or thereabouts sworne & examined at a Court held 20th March 1665 saith That about 5 weekes agoe yor depont coming to the howse of Francis Carpenter, found his seruant Samuell Youngman bleeding in the head, and asked the said Carpenter how his serut came to haue his head broke in that nature, for to bleed soe much, (for yor depont came to the howse about sunn sett & the seruts head Continued bleed- ing while 2 houres wthin night and a man that liued in the howse told yor depont that he had bled about an hour before sunn sett) and the said Carpenter told your depont that he did beat him, and the boy stooping downe broke his head wth a rotten stick, and the next morn- ing yor dept being dressing of the seruants head, and hauing cleansed the wound found the skull bare, and about 3 weaks after comming to the howse againe yor dept found the aforesaid seruant setting upon the morter, and presently he fell downe to the ground not being able to eate any food (being profferd to him) and yor dept saw that his face was all bloody & tooke a Cloth and made it Cleane, and in soe doeing yor dept found that his head did skinck uery much and told the said Carpenter of it, and he made answere that he had that day giuen him a blow on the eare a small stick and that same night |
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Volume 57, Page 60 View pdf image (33K) |
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