Volume 57, Page 566 View pdf image (33K) |
566 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1670. Liber JJ Sloope & was to have Three poundes sterlinge p Month, & to be paid att the second Deliveringe Porte, And Further Sayeth That he did take Twelve Barrells on Freight & past Bills of Ladinge For the same unto mr Derevall of new yorke & Fower Barrells more belonginge unto Two other men, Two of them to Mr Townesend, & other Two yor Deponent doeth not Remember his name, And further Sayeth not Butt that yor Deponent was Enterteyned as Master on the sixt of May last past. Sworne in Open Cort December the 14th 1670 T. Cakewood Whereuppon It was Ordered by the Leiftent Genll & the said Cort That the Leiftenant Gen” takinge the prmisses above menconed into Consideracon, That Some way should be Ordered that the said Solo- mon Blackleech should have Such Allowance as his Honor shall thinke fitt, & he to Attende his Honor for the same. Benjamin Rozer agt Henry Stockett late of Ann Arundell County Henry Stockett Otherwise called Henry Stockett of Ann Arun- dell County in the Province of Maryland was Summoned to Answer unto Benjamin Rozer One of the Attornyes of this Cort Accordinge to the Priviledges &c of A Plea that he render unto him Two Thou- sand & Thirty Two poundes of Tobaccoe to him he oweth & unjustly Deteyneth &c. And whereuppon the said Benjamin in his proper Person Sayeth That whereas the said Henry uppon the Twenty Fowerth day of Aprill in the yeare of Or Lord One Thousand Six Hundred Sixty Nyne, And in the xxxviith yeare of the Dominion of Caecilius &c by his Certaine Bill Obligatory Sealed wth the Seale of him the said henry & heere in Cort produced whose Date is the day & yeare above- said Did Acknowledge himself to owe & stand Justly indebted to the said Benjamin in the Just Quantity of Two Thousand Thirty Two pounds of Sound Marchanttable Tobaccoe in Caske to be paid to the said Benjamin his heires Executors Admistrators or Assignes att or [r. 111] before the Tenth day of October next ensuinge the date of the said Bill in Some Convenient place in Ann Arundell County afore- said, To the which payment well & Truely to be made the said Henry Did binde himselfe his heires Executors & Admistrators firmely by the said Bill, Notwithstandinge the said henry The said Sume of Two Thousand & Thirty Two pounds of Tobaccoe to the said Ben- jamin though often thereunto requiered hath not paid Accordinge to the Tennor of the said Bill, Butt the same doeth Altogeather refuse to pay to the greate damage of the said Benjamin Where- uppon he sayeth he is Dampnifyed & hath Losse to the vallue of Three Thousand poundes of Tobaccoe, & thereuppon he bringeth his suite - . JohnDoe Rozer in ppria psona. Pleg Richard Roe |
Volume 57, Page 566 View pdf image (33K) |
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