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Provincial Court Proceedings, 1669—70. 493 James Munife for six hundred pounds of Tobacco and caske, and Liber JJ one bill of John Edmondsons for six hundred twenty and two pounds of Tobacco and Caske, and I the said William Parrot doe acknowl- edge myself to have received of the said John smith and Company twelve Caster hatts, and halfe a peice of carpeting Seaven quarters broad, and twelve yards long, and one Chest of soape grasse three hundred forty and foure subtill pounds neate Two hundred sixty three pounds, thirty foure narrow hoes, and twenty Seaven broade hoes, and one hogshead of sugar conteining nine hundred and twenty pounds neate, which goods I the said William Parrot doe promise to use my utmost Endeavour to dispose of, and to best advantage for the said Employers, and also to receive the retornes of the said goods, and fore-mentioned bills, and ship it according to order, Witnes my hand and Seale the Seaven and twentieth day of February in the yeare of our Lord God One Thowsand six hundred Sixty Eight. Witnessed William Parrot (Sealed) William Faulkner Nicholas Webb Know all men by these presents that I David Driver of st Maryes County being now bound for England, doe therefore ordaine consti- tute and appointe, Mr Edward Clarke of the same County Planter, my true and lawfull Attorney, for me and in my name to act for me, and manage all busines whatsoever that does any way Concerne me, within this Province, and further to sue for all debts, dues Rights or any other claime or claimes whatsoever unto me due or owinge in this Province according to his best descretion, and so farre forth as the Lawes of this Province will permit, hereby giving and graunting, unto my said Attorney full power and ample authority to manage all whatsoever conteined in the premises, hereby ratefyeing and allow- ing for firme stable and irrecoverable, whatsoever my said Attorney shall doe or cause to be done in the premises to be as Effectuall to all Intents and purposes as if I myself were personally present at the doing thereof, Witnes my hand and seale the nineteenth day of Feb- ruary One Thowsand six hundred sixty and Nine Signed Sealed and delivered David Driver (Sealed) in the presence of us Robt slye Know all men by these presents that I Elizabeth Davis widdow and [p. 44] Relict of Hopkin Davis late of the County of Talbot sawyer deceased am holden and firmly bound unto Anthony Male of the same County genti and John Edmondson of the same County Marchant, in the full and Just sume of Forty Thowsand pounds of Tobacco and Caske, to be paid to the said Anthony Male and John Edmondson, their Executours Administrators or Assignes, or any or either of them |
Volume 57, Page 493 View pdf image (33K) |
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